"Claire", he greeted politely, allowing a gentle smile to tug the corner of his mouth. The part-veela settled down next to him, chin propped gently on the back of her hand as she gazed at him with stern blue eyes. "do you need something?"

Her lips thinned at his blunt attitude, but she did not rebuke him for it. You weren't in the gardens for lunch, Jacob asked me to come fetch you. Her nose wrinkled slightly at the smell of the library.

Hadrian felt a flicker of amusement rise in his chest, and he grinned at the slightly older witch. "Are you Jacobs owl now, Claire? I knew you fancied him, but being reduced to a messenger is a little too desperate, dont you think?" His teasing was in good nature, and Claire responded by swatting his upper arm in a manner that was still oddly refined despite its puerility. The part-veela sniffed and pointedly looked away from him.

"I dont know where you get those ridiculous notions from Hadrian, Jacob is hardly an acceptable match for me."

Jacob Korin was in their year, and was a pureblood, universally respected in the school, and regarded with affection. He was also one of the few people Hadrian ever felt truly comfortable around. Claire had fancied him since fourth year, and Hadrian immensely enjoyed provoking the girl whenever he had the chance.

"Come now darling, Jacob is intelligent, powerful, a pureblood, handsome surely you could do worse?"

A glint came to Claire's eyes, "Perhaps you should court him then, if you are so knowledgeable of his personality."

She was hoping to fluster him, but Hadrian merely grinned wolfishly as he stood and leaned to whisper in her ear. "Who said anything about courting?" he stepped back and winked as he tugged his bag onto his shoulder, Ive already had my fun with him.

She gasped, eyes alight with interest as her quick mind rushed to put together what he truly meant."Did you actually...?" She seemed hesitant to voice her conclusion though, and Hadrian used her minor distraction to begin walking away. Let her assume what she liked. Claire would never spread any rumour pertaining to him, and certainly not Jacob when she desired him.

He heard her sharply call after him, no doubt annoyed at him for dropping such a claim and then leaving her unsatisfied with no answers.

Claire caught up with him easily and Hadrian momentarily cursed the fact that her legs were longer.

"I don't believe it. You and Jacob would never do that. You respect each other too much." She was like a dog with a bone, he mused quietly. Or, more accurately, a shark that scented blood. "Hadrian!" she whined when he refused to acknowledge her.

"Let it die, Claire. I'm too tired to play today."

"You little liar!" she laughed, slapping his shoulder again. "I hate it when you play mind games with me, I can never tell when you are joking or not."

"You're just mad that you can't spot my lies anymore, Claire. You used to revel in the fact that I was a hopeless little boy."

She smiled gently at him, and looped her arm through his. Hadrian allowed it and did not resist when she subtly took control of their direction. "I remember when we were eight", she chuckled in amusement, "I had never seen such a scrawny boy before, and I thought He'll never last here, he's too soft, and now look at you."

Hadrian rolled his eyes, "Top of our year, stunningly gorgeous, and entirely too aware of my own skill".

She huffed, "Stop right there Hadrian, or your ego won't fit through the doorway."

"Ego is intangible sweetheart, and besides, magic remember?"

'You're intolerable', she groaned, brushing some of her fringe from her eyes as they exited the marvellous front door of Beauxbatons and down the marble steps to the lush gardens. Hadrian laughed at her annoyed expression, genuinely amused at their conversation.

Consuming ShadowsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin