Chapter 2|| Agoraphobia

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I walked through the school doors, immediately going deaf.  The weight of Cam's arm was suddenly taken off my shoulders and I looked up to see what has removed it. One of his friends from the football team, Mario was doing the weird bro hug handshake thing guys do.

He nodded at me, "Azalea."
"Mario." I responded. All of a sudden, someone pushed past me and I fell to the ground.


"Hey, Cam." A girl said, twirling her hair on her crooked finger. He smiled at her and pushed a strand of hair out of her face. "What's up babe?"

Oh my god, ew. I can't watch this. I stood up and brushed myself off. I felt a bit dizzy, but I'm sure I'll be fine.

Mario had gone off, probably to find the rest of the team, and Cam was flirting with the girl, effortlessly. I am honestly, revolted. I started to walk off when I felt someone's hand wrap around my wrist. I turned and brushed a piece of hair out my face so I could see the person. It was Cam.

"Where you going?" He asked, like he actually cared.
"To my locker. I'll see you, yeah?" I turned away to start walking but my wrist was yanked back.

"Ow Jesus!" I cried, grabbing my wrist. His eyes filled with worry, "Shit, sorry." I rolled my eyes. He wrapped his arms around my waist to hug me and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh as I wrapped my arms around his neck to hug him back. Behind him, I could see the girl he was flirting with, side eyeing me with jealousy written all over her face.

I smirked and pulled back from Cam, kissing his cheek. "I really gotta go though, see ya Cam." I said, backing away from him. He waved and turned his attention back to the rat behind him.

I turned around and hit a hard, what I assumed to be, chest. A clatter of books fell on the floor and I instantly bent down to pick them up.

"God, I'm so sorry. I should have been watching where I was going, not walking backwards." I said, disappointed in myself. Seriously, I just got back and now I've bumped into someone. For fucks sake.

I looked up and saw an absolute GOD. OH MY GOD.
He was gorgeous. He had a sharp jawline, and a mop of black curls sat on top of his head. His soft, brown pupils dilating when he made contact with my icy blue ones. He ran a hand through is thick curls and stared down at me.

Oh my fucking gosh. He's so hot.

I stood up and handed him his books, "Sorry, again." I mumbled. He just rolled his eyes, "Whatever, klutz. Just stay out of my way."

This bitch- excuse me?? I can't believe I thought he was a god!!! Ugh.

I stared directly into his eyes and smirked. A look of confusion crossed over his face. "Okay. Here's how this is gonna go. First of all, I'm not a klutz, I take back my apology and wish I never made contact with you," I remarked, taking a deep breath, "Now if you'll excuse me, asshole, I'm going to my locker."

I walked past him, making sure to knock his shoulder. I laughed to myself. That felt good. Really good.

I got to my locker and started unzipping my backpack, when my locker slammed closed. Startled, I looked up, my best friend Genevieve was standing there with her arms folded across her chest. I sighed in relief.

"Oh it's just you. I was getting ready to throw hands." I said. She gave me an evil smile, "Yeah, I know. But not with me, the dude from earlier."

I raised an eyebrow, knowing this wasn't going to end well. "Gen, come on. The year just started a couple days ago and you're already coming at me with this bullshit."

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