4 The love of jungkook's life

Comenzar desde el principio

"Truth or Dare "Jin asked

"Truth "hoseok replied as Jin smirked looking at Yoongi as he asked "tell us about your boyfriend's secret"

Hoseok just smiles and said "he is the type of person who cares for everyone but shows he doesn't even know them and the secret you are asking know that he loves you, Namjoon and kook so much but shows like he doesn't care about you,he just loves messing up with you guys ,right tae ?"

But before tae could say something Yoongi cut him and said "it's not true I doesn't care about them"he stuck his tongue towards jin as a childish manner and who is Jin to glare at the kitty he just smiles he knows Yoongi too much .

"Ooh come on yoonieee we all know you are the softest person I ever meet"tae said with teasing manner.

Yoongi peck tae's forhead in return and hoseok just smiles at them and the rest boys can't even blink their eyes as they know Yoongi has soft spot for taehyung but kissing his forehead they didn't even imagine and kook being jealous bunnyy but smiles when he sees his favorite boxy smiles as he knows tae deserve all the love after all.

"Okay Okay lovely guys can we move next then ?"Jin teased as he sees tae's cute smile .

moving third round it came hoseok and jungkook
"Truth or Dare "hoseok asked
"Dare "jungkook replied as tae look at him surprised look is the first one to choose dare as he gives jungkook thumbs up as a best of luck manner as kook gives him his bunny smiles in return .

"Okay i always wanted to say this ,I heard you have a good voice why don't you sing a song for us then ?"hoseok dared and jungkook look a little surprised as he doesn't expect it.

"But hyung I am not that good " jungkook mumbled as he get dramatic gassped from Jin and surprised look from Joon.

"Young man lieing is bad manner I didn't raise you to lie , Don't listen to him guys he is the best singer you ever meet "Jin said as he get nod in agreement from Joon.

"I don't trust in jin's word but I want to listen your voice too "Yoongi said as hoseok also said "yeah me too I also want to hear it "

"Come on jungkookie you can do it " tae to encourage as jungkook shyly nod .

"Which song ?"he asked others

"You wrote a new one yesterday right ,try it now kook "Jin said as jungkook look at him surprised how elder know that but just nod .

"You can wrote song too ,wow I didn't know you are that talented"tae exclaimed happily.

"It's not that good, hope you don't mind"he mumbled as all the boys encouraged him.

Taking a deep breath he close his eyes remembering his all moments with tae as he smiles and began .........

You only tell me,
should I love or not,
Tell me about your heart,
Should I love or not..

I'll tell you so much,
On my love,
I don't have so much control,
Still the heart thought once,
Now that I've begun to meet,
I should ask you once..

You only tell me,
should I love or not,
Tell me about your heart,
Should I love or not..

There were never such wishes before,
Never had I tried to meet
someone like that..
Disentangle my problems,
Should I love or not..
say to me within eyes,
Should I love or not..

I have some small dreams,
In those dreams there are songs,
In songs, there is life,
love, and longing..
Now I don't dream those dreams,
in which you aren't there..
See, I open these lips (to agree)
that I had kept closed till now..

My heart believes you so much
as I don't believe even myself..
In my lone moments,
I dream about you,
I have fallen in love with you..

I'll never ask you
Should I love or not..
Now I have to live in your dreams
Should I love or not..

Jungkook open his eyes and look straight into tae'eyes he gives his bunny smiles as in return his favorite boxy smile and claps in return.

As he see how hoseok claps his hand excitedly and praise him for his voice give him big bone crushing hug and Yoongi give him proud pat.

Namjoon too gives him hug as he mumbled that was great in his ears and Jin just look at him adoring yet sadness in his eyes as he knows what Jin means .

The love of his life didn't even know that the song is dedicated to him.

But all his train of thoughts stop as his breath hitched and heart beat become fast when his body came in contact with his favorite sent.

He close his eyes feeling the warmth that his body is craving for long he finally got a beautiful hug from his love.

he smiles his bunny enjoying the moment but pout a little when tae broke the hug.

But smiles when he sees tae's boxy smile.

"Wow kookie your voice is amazing, you should sing more often you know, it's really soothing" tae praised him.

he didn't notice how jungkook heart beat fast cause his love gave him other nickname

but if only he knows what effects of these words has on him for you I will sing till my last breath love if you want to hear it from he thought.

"Thank you so much hyung "he shyly said as his cheeks become red afterall his love praise him .

He became euphoric he want to just live this moment for evry second in his life .
He doesn't want anything just tae. He smiles when he sees tae is praising him and telling Jin how he is right about jungkook voice .

And it made jungkook to feel greedy to hear it more from taehyung, it doesn't matter for now that tae knows the song's meaning or not, tae got signal that it's for him or not ,what matters is atleast tae heard his song which made for him only ' The love of jungkook's life'.


Hey guys thank you for your support


The song that I mention is from hindi movie pls don't search it on Google I just translate it in English it's not real jungkook song hope u forgive me.


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