|6: Escape |

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Warning: Seduction

Third POV

The blue haired male cleverly maneuvered through the maze of a fortress, leaving the younger sister of Um6 chasing. "GET BACK HERE YOU DAMN MAGGOT." She screamed sending her belts towards him. With a perfectly timed back flip he easily dodged pinning them down with his nichrin blade.

Turn towards the demon chasing his he threw two black little balls at her. A wisteria explosion that most likely would've taken her out for good blew up. But her dear uppermoon brother came to the rescue. "You poor poor thing." Gyutarro healed her half disintegrated face that was taking a while to heal fully. He also sustained some injury but they were minor sadly.

"H-he doesn't want to play with me onii-chan!!! Am I doing something wrong?!?" Daki cried out loud. 'Yeah besides used me as a human doll and torturing me for the past two weeks.'

"Don't worry I'll get him." Gyutarros hands started to bleed forming his sickles. "I'll get him good." He threw both sickles to which M/n ran down the wide halls. "C'mon M/n use that big brain of yours!!!" Gyutarro taunted wanting M/n to go full power.

It was already common knowledge M/n could absolutely destroy Daki in a fight at a quarter of his power but what was he like at his fullest Gyutarro wondered. To figure it out Gyutarro has been organizing escapes for M/n to roamed free so he could test him. It's risky but thrilling.

M/n made a sharp turn into another room to which the sickles were to slow to follow, passing the corner and spun into a dead end.


By far as I know this place is supposedly 'infinite' but a demon controls it from the middle. How could something infinite have a center-. My thoughts were interrupted when Gyutarro appeared in front of me. "Your so pretty when your panicked." He leaned dangerously close to me. "Yeah, glad you think so." I kicked his throat sending his flying back.

As I was about to run he grabbed my ankle causing me to fall. "Your not going all out,its a shame." His grip on my foot became tighter. In an instant my right ankle was broken. A cry of pain left my mouth as I collapsed. (It's giving Sangwoo vibes.)

"And you almost had me too." Gyutarro cupped my cheek leaning close. His lips. We're on mine. So suddenly too. Like why?

Hey guys sry I've been gone for so long but the votes were set for bottom or top M/n and the winner is.......

Bottom M/n
For all those who wanted Top M/n I'm sorry but by the end of the story I'll whip up something for you guys

Beauty and The Beast (Gyutaro and Daki x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now