|3: True Beauty|

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{Gyutaro POV}

'Itching. I'm itching to kill him. To mess up that perfect face. Give him a reason to despise his face' My blood sickle inches closer and closer to his face, the poison dripping at the tip ready to enter one of the many cuts I gave him in battle. "Onii-chan!!" Ume cried in the corner of the room. "Don't poison my toy I want his pretty permanently."

"R-right." I drew back my weapons from his wound. "Anyway I have a client to deal with,could you please watch him." She got up in full Orian mode. "Sure." I rolled my eyes which kept ending up on his face. "Also no poison." Ume shouted as she left. I sat in the corner looking everywhere but him. 'God really does have favorites.' My eyes kept wondering towards him.

"Ugh." I walked to his body moving it to the other corner of the room. "Damnit stop that!!!!" I screamed at him. "What am I doing??!"


'Was he up already? I thought the poison was supposed to put him in a coma.' His blueish eyes stared at me waiting for an answer. "How long were you up?" I pulled out my sickles. "Calm down 'small waist' I don't have any weapons on me........ except the one in my pants." He winked. "You keep playing and I'll slash your throat." My sickle pressed against his neck. "Right uncalled for you might be a minor."

"Oh! By the way your super fast!" I ignored him looking out the window. "Soo do you not wanna eat me or something?" He spoke up. "Your only alive cause my idiot sister,bulling her with such little brains she has." I itched my neck. "Aren't you an old man?" I asked irked at him for his bulling. "Old? I'm only nineteen I'll have you know!!" He screamed at the top of his lungs.

"And untie me from these stupid ribbons, it's irritating my skin." I rolled my eyes. "All you blessed people are the same. Your so ungrateful and complain for everything. I bet you hate ugly don't you? Your thinking I'm unpleasant,dirty,ugly,creepy,crazy and more, well sorry I couldn't control which part of the gene pool I got." I felt something wet fall down my kanji eyes.

{M/n POV}

'Am I crying for a demon? He's been through so much discrimination just because of his life and I ran away just because I have an interest in men. Comparing my story to his I'm ungrateful and complaining.' "I'm sorry." His aura lighted up a bit but I heard a gasp. "What?"

"I'm sorry. Just by the way you spoke of the blessed the pain was obvious in your voice. You obviously been through something terrible but it wasn't by blessed people." He slowly turned towards me with anger in his eyes. In a flash he held me by my neck against the wall. "Who are you to tell me who hurt me and who didn't.?!" He glared.

{Gyutaro POV}

"Your blessed to y'know. Your not ugly just unique and people were to dumb to see it. If you say blessed people hurt you, your including yourself." When he said that I noticed them. His tears. "Nor are you nasty, disgusting or creepy. Your just a victim of this cruel world." More tears fell down his eyes as his stared into mine.

'Is he really crying? Or his he faking?' I let go of him and walked to the corner of the room. Tears kept falling and falling. "Onii-chan I'm back~." Daki danced around. Immediately I went into her body. "I need time to think."


This is a nice chapter I'm proud.

Beauty and The Beast (Gyutaro and Daki x M!reader)Where stories live. Discover now