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So my momma pulls up and sees me holding Shawn in my arms trying to get him to respond. She tells me to get him in the car and speeds off as fast as possible. As soon as we pull up to the hospital I just look at Shawn and burst out in tears. My mom is telling me to hurry up and get him inside. But I told her it’s already too late. I just lost one of my closest friends. My best friend died in my lap in the backseat of my momma’s car. Life has been moving fast. I'm about to be 15 and have lost so many people dearly close to me. My mom has been suffering from dementia and it scares me that in the near future she may forget who I am. Lately I've been slacking with the money making process. Lying around gaining weight and muscle, getting bigger and bigger everyday. I have given up on school and sports, completely throwing my life away. Smoking and robbing is all I do now. I can’t let this be a start to a new me. 

Time has passed and I now have all the money I could ever need. I put my momma and my brother in a new house, got my mom a new benz, and moved to Texas. Greg came with me, we don't go anywhere without each other. It’s a part of the code. So where does it go from here? Well Greg and I did some dirty work and got locked up again, but we were home in no time. We were in and out of jail until one day we had a mission. We tried starting a new chapter living life right for the 1st time in a long time. We both were financially stable with women to take care of. Greg had 2 kids at age 17 and I had 1 on the way at 15. Got back in school still smart as ever working on getting a 9-5 to occupy my time, but as a felon that was hard. 15 with over 20 cases with more pending it was difficult to try and be a kid. I got back into basketball and Greg did too. Greg and I went D1 our first year back because even with being tied into the streets we still loved sports. A few months passed and I went back to being an A+ student, I have a child, and I'm captain of the basketball team. Everyone knows me as Shaud The Menace. I started rapping and realized I have some raw talent. After about a month of rapping im already top 10 in dallas. So just like anyone else you would think since everything is going good there should be no more problems right? December 22, 3 days before christmas Greg and I were out chilling at McDonalds juss chopping it up missing Shawn and talking about life. All of a sudden, the glass behind us shattered and bullets were flying like wild bugs. I got under the table and grabbed my gun just in case and I'm telling Greg to get down. He isn't responding so I start getting a little nervous. Next thing you know I see blood pouring off the side of the table as if someone had left a sink on and my heart skipped a few beats. It got quiet and everything died down, I could hear sirens in the distance. I got off the ground to realize that my brother had been shot in the back of his head 2 times. We moved to Texas to avoid the violence and start a better life, but tragedy had struck upon us. I didn’t know what to do, I was stuck as if I were frozen in time. Everything just happened so fast. How could this happen and who was responsible? Could it have been a hit on someone else and Greg just so happened to get hit? Either way my brother was gone and the world had taken a brother, son, and early father. 


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