II. Snacks!

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choice [A) convenience store

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choice [A) convenience store.] chosen

you shoved your hands down your pockets, a slight ruffle of paper attracts your attention. pulling it out was a small list:

microwave food
baking soda (important!!!)
coffee filter

oh, right... groceries.

you looked down your clothes,
scrunching up your face, you look like you fell on a mud puddle with how much ebony blood is on you.

with slippery footsteps, you walked on the sidewalk, not even minding the puddles of water that formed inside the cracks on the concrete, you're going to deep clean your clothes, anyway.

aa soon as you stepped foot inside the store your eyes seemed to be blasted with harsh fluorescent lights, nearly bumping into a shelf.

after spending way too much time deciding which types of microwave food  were best, you hauled your ass to the cashier.

"hello, thank you for shopping at--woah there! did it rain that much that you're covered head to toe in mud?"

"you could say i had an accident."

"what an accident! you mind telling me what happened?"


"i slipped and fell straight into a puddle, believe it or not. was hella slippery, too."

"ah, did 'ya trip on one of them side-cracks?"

"kinda, foot got caught in them."

"them fucken' higher-ups, blowing money on getting doubles-- they dont even-- oh, forgive me. got too caught up in my ramblings."

"it happens."

"no, no-- i'm real sorry about that! how about this, you get yourself something extra. i'll pay for it."

"are you sure? isn't food nowadays---"

"no, i insist. as a thanks for hearing this fossil."

"i... thank you."

this is... unexpected, not unwanted-- but still.

how long was it since someone older actually cared about you? nevermind... you shouldn't think about this kind of thing right now.

now what will you treat yourself with?

A) pack of Prophicy™ brand popsicles.

B) heart shaped chocolates.

C) animal shaped marshmallows.


words 320

shorter chapter bc i have few mechanics i want to introduce.

despite it being unreliable narrator, stay attentive to MC's reaction and thoughts about stuff. it'll help you.

there are two 'stats' to keep check of. sometimes your choices affect those stats, directly or not.

good luck :)

Pseudonym [interactive] Yandere (story continued on quotev)Where stories live. Discover now