Evil origin story

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I sat there and watched as my sister went up to my dad. He had the crown in his hands, ready to give it to her. The most unworthy, backstabbing, cruel person to ever exist. Dad didn't even care. All he cared about was the fact that she was older and 'that's how it always goes' the eldest daughter gets the throne. So obviously, because I was the younger one, I couldn't get the crown, the throne, basically everything I had dreamed about since I was 5.

She walked up the aisle and knelt down in front of my dad. I could feel my heart in my throat. I couldn't believe this was happening... "Do you vow to protect your people under all circumstances?" my father asked.

"Yes." she said.

"Well then, I pronounce you queen of Cosunor" my father took the crown off the pillow, and as he was about to place it on her head, I yelled, "STOP" all eyes turned to me "THIS ISN'T HOW IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE" word vomit. What was I doing? "YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT SHE HAS DONE" again, word vomit.

"I beg your pardon?" my sister asked.


"GUARD! TAKE HER TO THE DUNGEONS TO BE HUNG TOMORROW!" my father yelled. Plot twist, I guess he never loved me.

I suddenly remembered the knife that Zane gave to me in the forest. He said to use it wisely. The guards were closing in on me. I whipped out the knife from behind my dress and stabbed the guard closest to me in the shoulder, not enough to kill, but enough to drop him to the ground and make everyone back away.

"Now. Back to what I was saying ''I casually walked along the isle and up to my sister. "Murder. cold blooded murder."

"This is NOT TRUE!" my sister yelled.

My dad stared at us, back and forth, back and forth.

"SHE'S CRAZY! TAKE HER AWAY!" my sister yelled.

I guess what happened next was more of a... movement vomit? Not sure.

I took the knife and stabbed her in the stomach. Deep deep deep. Enough to kill. She dropped to the ground and I kicked her aside. I looked my dad straight in the eyes.

"I believe I'm the eldest daughter now." He looked at me, not sure what to do.

I grinned, and pushed the knife to his throat. "Eldest. Daughter." He swallowed and started to place the crown on my head. I knelt down, and felt it touch my hair.

So yeah, I guess you could call that my 'evil origin story'


A/N: If you guys have any tropes you would like to see please let us know in the comments. Also names for characters would be great (cuz were rly struggling over here with names). 

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