Asking to move in

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Noah is coming over for dinner today and it has to be perfect. Today is the day I ask him to move in with me, so the pressure is on. I looked up "Creative ways to ask your s/o to move in with you." (because yes, I am very not creative, thank you for asking.) and one said to empty out a dresser drawer, put a key in it and be like 'yo, wanna live here?' So, that's what I'm doing. I think I'm going to ask after dinner because I spent about 3 hours making a full 3 course meal and I really don't want it to go to waste (yes, I could easily eat it all by myself if he doesn't say yes HOWEVER, we don't talk about that.)

"Hey! I bought champagne. I don't know... it looked fancy and you said this was important, so here." Noah is standing at the front door of my apartment holding out a bottle of champagne that looks way too expensive for a drink.

"Thank you. C'mon in." I go over to my small kitchen and then I realized that I don't have a cork opener thingamajig. "Ok so slight problem..."

"What? Oh right, you don't have a cork opener... uhm I guess you could just bang it on the table? I saw that somewhere."

I look at him skeptically and bring the bottle down to the counter so that the cork is against the ledge. "Ok... three... two..."

Long story short, we had to spend a good 20 minutes cleaning up my sticky counter that was covered in fancy ass champagne. So far this night is not going as planned. And by no means am I blaming Noah. He was just trying to be a good boyfriend like he always is.

Ok, that's fine, plans change, a couple set backs isn't the worst thing in the world.

A couple minutes later, we finished dinner, moving on to dessert. It's a pie I bought and warmed up because there wasn't enough time to make the dough. Plus, my dessert making skills are not it.

"This is really good..." Noah says after he takes a bite.

"Yeah... I bought it. I wanted tonight to be perfect so I didn't really want the apartment to burn down."

"Very fair. So, why is tonight so important?"

Ok play it cool. I can't give away anything till we're in my bedroom... No, not like that. Get your mind straight. The drawer that I emptied is in my room so I can't give any hints until we go there. Gotta be discreet.

"Oh it's just... I wanted to... Have a romantic dinner cuz' we dont really do that that often. You know?" Perfect. Nothing suspish about that.

"Aw that's sweet. Best boyfriend ever. Dinner was amazing and the candles made a nice touch so you definitely succeeded in the romance department." Noah smiles. Ayyyyy brownie points.

A couple minutes later, we finish dessert and go to my bedroom. Not a word. Fucking dirty minded. Ok, here goes nothing.

"Hey, Noah..."


"Can you get a sweater from that drawer over there," I point to the drawer I'd emptied out and placed the key in. "It's a bit cold." A valid excuse, since I am only wearing a t-shirt.

"Oki doki." He jumps up from my bed and goes to the drawer. I watch him very closely as he opens it but immediately look out the window when I see him about to look at me.


"Hmmm?" I turn to face him and see the key in his hand, a confused look on his face.

"What is this?" He extends his arm so I can see the key better.

"A key." I resist the urge to grin like a maniac.

"To what, exactly?" He takes a small step closer to me.

"...My apartment..."

"What on earth is the key to your apartment doing in an emptied out drawer?"

"It's not mine." I stare at him in the eyes, trying to telepathically tell him what I mean.

"Well if it's not yours, then who is- WAIT A SECOND!", he screams. My poor neighbors. I give the classic 'shy-side-smile' that Noah freaks out over every time I do it. "IS THIS FOR ME?" I nod. "REALLY? YOU'RE NOT KIDDING?"

"Nope. So... Do you want to move in with me?" I finally ask, standing up.

"DO I WANT TO MOVE IN WITH YOU? OF COURSE I WANT TO MOVE IN WITH YOU!" He drops the key onto the ground and pulls me in for a kiss. 

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