Part 9

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You and cook had been driving for days stopping every night going to some sort of party then leaving the next morning this night you were both quite drunk as you both dance if the dance floor and not soon after you get kicked out onto some bin bag...

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You and cook had been driving for days stopping every night going to some sort of party then leaving the next morning this night you were both quite drunk as you both dance if the dance floor and not soon after you get kicked out onto some bin bags you both start laughing as he kisses you wiping your face as you both kiss again before he picks you up and wedding carry's you down the road singing while you laugh your head off when he puts you down you both walk down the road and fall asleep you on his chest. You slowly get up and put your hair in too braids before lighting a cigarette you look at cook who's got a massive boner you tap it as he wakes up "morning lover" you say as he gets up "where are we" he asks "I thought you had a plan" you say "I do" he reply's getting up "I'm serious where are we going" you ask "we're here" he says "here?" You ask "here this town" he says as you look at him "why" you ask "because this is where my dad lives" he says as you throw you phone into the water he gets uo as you both walk down the road until cook sees his dads boat "go on then" you say "you coming with me" he asks "not yet" you say sitting on the edge "but I want you to meet him I brought you here to meet him" he says "and I will" you say as you push him towards the end "don't be a pussy" you shout as he walks down the stairs and slips you laugh before looking to the ground. Cooks dad takes you all to a pub it was small and shitty but you ignored it "lady's and germs the fucking milky bars are in me drinks all around yeah everyone the fruit of my looms my fucking son and this is his lovely lady friendpints and shots over here" he says as you slowly walk and sit down "have a look at the only copper for 40 miles do what you like smoke inside ash on the fucking floor in fact piss on it there's a couple of old boys would pay top dollar to see that" cooks dad says as you put your arms round your stomach feeling quite uncomfortable as the drinks come out. You take a sip of your beer while they talk you turn around to see some bald man looking at you he looked about your age he talks to you but you didn't listen.

You walk outside and look at the sky thinking about how much better this whole thing would be with effy when you walk back in you see cooks dad eating a jar of mustard everyone cheering while you just sit there in disgust he finishes the whole jar as the bar closes you light a cigarette and look around as you walk passed some dude on a motorcycle "all right" he says as you stop "hi" you say "what you doing" the bald boy from earlier asks "not sure" you say "what you doing tomorrow" he asks as you shrug he talks about some race "what" you say "it's a race old village tradition I'm champion three years running aren't I lads" he says looking  at his two friends "whoop de do" you say "you know if you were my girl I wouldn't let you out of my sight" he says as you drop your cigarette but and tans on it "yeah" you ask "I'd handcuff you to the bed an all" he says while you just smile a bit "those things will kill you you know" he looks at you holding a pack of cigarettes "hadn't heard" you say going to walk off "that's funny you can put it on your tombstone" he says as you stop and turn "so you don't smoke" you ask he shakes his head "drink" he shakes his head again "nothing" "we're straight edge" he says as you see cook running over "hols holly" he shouts "I don't let the pressure crush me up" he says as cook puts his arm around you "come on hols we're going clubbing you me and dad" he says as you look at him "no" you say "what" he says confused "let's get out of here" you say as he moves so he's looking at you he puts both hands on each shoulder "holly listen there's nowhere else to go this is it come on let's go get fucked up" he says kissing you "with your dad" you question "it's like he won't be there" cook says as you both race to the club you take your jumper off to reveal a small crop top that looks like a bra as you go and dance on the dance floor it was a pretty lame club the bald dude comes and dances with you but you ignore it cook and the boy start fighting while you just grab your drink and take a sip picking up your jumper and walking out not soon after cook and his dad come back to the boat cook falls asleep while you sit on the top of the boat drinking vodka out of the bottle cooks dad comes over as you place the bottle next to you "full moon" he says while you look up "yeah" you say moving Aline "when the full moon rises gods and monsters will come out to play" he says while you just laugh staring at him "so how does it feel to have everyone want you that sonny's desperate to get into your pants are you gunna let him?" Cooks dad says placing his hand on your knee "what about me you gonna let me into your pants yeah too pretty for your own good thats why you destroy everything you touch" "look who's talking" you say getting up and walking off you find a telephone box and put in effys number "hello" she says "effy" you say "hey holly how is it" effy says "cooks in trouble he needs Freddie's help" you say hanging up and sitting on the floor of the box crying.

The next morning you wake up on the floor of the telephone box you light up a cigarette and walk down the road you see effy walking down the road as you run and hug her "I missed you" you say not letting go ignoring Freddie and jj "I missed you more" she says as you all sit and watch parts of the steeple chase get put up "hey j hey Fred's" you say after a while "hey" they both says as you see cook "what the fuck are you doing here" he says to Freddie jj and effy he repeats himself louder "we thought you might be in trouble" jj says as cook pull you in to hug him "do I look like I'm in trouble I'm ten times better than you've ever been you pair of miserable boring shites" cook says walking off with you "how did you find me" "holly called effy but stop this" jj says as cook looks at you "fuck off jj" cook says while you walk off jj follows you you light a cigarette and find effy again as you both walk back and stand with everyone you see jj join the top to do the steeple race as donny joins the three of them you watch some old lady's come out and get on the boys back then they all walk off you put your arm round effy you see cooks dad staring at you so you put two fingers in your mouth and slowly pull them out then flip the man off. "How's panda" you quietly ask "she misses you wishes she made things right" effy says "yeah well she fucked it all up" you look at the race to see jj overtake everyone you laugh with effy as jj wins cook walks off pissed as everyone goes into the club jj gets praised until cook goes and pushes jj "you fucking dick you've lost my dads boat holly I've got fuck all now you" cook says as jj grabs his finger you get up and walk outside you light a cigarette as jj walks out "come on"jj says making you come with them "take a seat" jj says to you and effy "now let's get down to it no more evasion no more ohh I'm so fit and mysterious now Freddie he's in love with both of you won't admit it about holly but oh well aunt you Freddie" jj says "yes" Freddie says "and ok he loves holly yes" jj says as cook does a slight nod "and just for the record I love holly too plus I won the race so three boys two girls you choose" jj says as you look at cook and effy looks at Freddie "come on fuck you" cook says walking out taking your hand "you all think that I'm a scum that your better than me that your better than my dad" cook says as you keep walking you walk until cook catches up with you. You both walk in silence with his arm around you sharing a bottle of vodka cook finishes the bottle and throws it on the floor.

The next morning you and cook walk back to his dads boat to see him packing all his stuff "I thought we was going to take this town by storm you and me" cook says as you stop listening and just sit with your feet dangling you watch cook sit there with his dad threatening ti kill him and him crying you pick up a big stick and whack cooks dad round the head with it freddie and cook drag his body inside while you all stare at it "this is bad" Freddie says while you look at the floor "cook are you ok" you ask "he didn't mean it what's the fucking difference nothing good ever stays with me absolutely nothing" cook says "you've got me and holly" Freddie says while cook cry's they talk while you walk outside "cook Freddie" jj shouts walking with effy "right there you are what's up" jj asks as they take them both inside to see Freddie's dad "is he dead" you as "I'd say he was still alive" jj says "great" effy says "should we like tie him up" Freddie asks "no a bump to the head like that you don't want to interrupt the blood flow" jj says "wow I'm great at this" you say "right we'll well dump him later" jj says "how's Katie" you ask effy "alive" effy says "pissed at me" you ask "very much her mum wants you in jail" she says as you laugh "we are going home" jj says giving you a coat you sit on the boat as people come after you. You and effy laugh as cooks dad wakes up "all right you little fucks" he says while you look at effy "fuck you im cook you shithead I'm cook" cooks dad says hugging cook "I wish I killed him" you say as cook pushes him off the boat cook passes you a beer before sitting next to you hugging you "I love you two" you say before walking inside the boat cook follows you in "I only fucked panda" cook says as you kiss him "it's fine" you say as you both start making out and one thing leads to another.

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