2. So it goes...

377 21 5

"And all the pieces fall, right into place"

August 1st, 7:00am, 1977

"Ugh," You groaned, rubbing your eyes and yawning. "Seven o'clock? It's too early~" your voice was still grainy and your eyes were beginning to adjust. "Hmm~" you got out of bed and put your nightgown and slippers on. You then walked over and unlocked your bedroom door and trailed your hand along the banister as you made your way across the landing.

You paused in shock as you noticed a man sitting downstairs on the sofa. You felt a shiver run down your spine as you suddenly recalled what had happened the previous night. Before you could turn and run away, he turned the page of the book he was reading and spoke.

"Good morning Miss Y/N" Wammu said in a kind tone, not even looking up at you.

You felt the blood rush to your face and the heat that surrounded your cheeks.

"Morning!" You yelled, running back to your room.

I had totally forgotten about last night... Thank God I didn't do anything stupid...OH! ...I Promised breakfast!

You panicked and quickly threw on the first outfit you seen on the floor and ran to brush your teeth, all the time thinking about last night.

That Kars guy was a bit of a jerk, he had the creep factor too.

You threw on some shoes and quickly made your way back downstairs.

"Breakfast should be ready for 8 o'clock Wammu, if you could tell the others that would be great." You gave a smile as you scurried past him to the left of the reception counter where the kitchen door was.

"No worries, i am looking forward to seeing what you come up with." He said, all the while not looking up from his book.

You scurried into the kitchen and closed the door behind you.

Umm... what to make for breakfast... God I'm not prepared for this. Kars said he didn't want to eat any animals and the rest just asked for whatever... I woulda' just had cereal...but I can't feed them that! That's not professional. Uhhh. Let's see...what did my mother used to cook? ...AH! She used to make fancy pastries! I'm sure we still have her recipe book too. Fresh patisserie should be enough to impress!

You pulled your mother's old recipe book off the tallest shelf and flipped through it, feeling a sense of bitter-sweetness settle in.

Nows not the time to get emotional Y/N. The guests are waiting.

You shook it off and found the recipe for cinnamon rolls. It was your favourite recipe, you had known it well as a child. Eating or even smelling cinnamon brought back a lot of happy memories, so you figured you'd make something you were familiar with.

As you put the book down on the counter you felt a shadow cover your left shoulder. You internally squeaked and turned slightly to see Santana stood reading the cookbook over your shoulder.

"ACK," You squealed. "You scared me!" You gave a nervous laugh, waiting for him to explain himself.

"Sorry Y/N, I wanted to see what was for food." He mumbled, taken aback by your shock. He appeared to be being genuine.

God these guys are weird...

"Aha...i was going to make cinnamon rolls," you pointed towards the Polaroid picture in the book.

He nodded and then left without saying a word. You stood flabbergasted for a moment and continued with your task.

Is this how people behave normally? Have i been reading too much fan fiction? Have i lost touch with the outside world?

『Invisible String』KARS X Reader X Pillar MenWhere stories live. Discover now