ocean's 8 cast

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Cates  pov

I decided cause I'm filming oceans 8 I'll have them come round to meet y/n like a little get together so just tidying the place up cause kids are messy

Time skip to the get together cause I'm a lazy shit

Everyone's here now y/n and Sarah are being crazy as I thought should have guessed that would happen the younger kids are playing I'm having a nice conversation with sandy and helena it's nice

It's now a little later the younger kids are in bed as everyone picked to stay over the night now it's just the adults and y/n and we're just asking each other random questions "ok I know this is weird but has anyone ever planned there funeral I know its random but I want to know if only I've done that" y/n asks everyone answers "no I just think that's you"
"Ok but what do you have planned like a playlist of songs or how it's going to look" Paulson asks  "I'd actually like to know that to y/n/n(your nickname)" I say "ok so its everything like to I want dead flowers cause you know and I have a GREAT playlist" y/n said "what songs are on this playlist I know I'm going to regret asking this but I want to know" sandy says "well sandy I'm so glad you asked" y/n says as they pulls out her phone and opens spotify "ok so we have Another one bites the dust, High way to hell, Wake me up before you go go, I just died in your arms tonight, Stayin' alive, I will survive, Every breath you take, Circle of life, I've had the time of my life, I'm still standing, Bye bye bye, Never gonna give you up, Livin' on a prayer,and The final countdown" she says as we all look at her likes she s crazy before sarah bursts out laughing "that definitely different" I say I'm very concerned about this child's mental health right now "oh and also two of my friends are going to the lift from drity dancing when I've had the time of my life plays" y/n says "ok I was already concerned I am even more concerned now" I say "do you need help y/n" sandy asks her quite concerned about her "nah I've gone to therapy multiple times they all think I'm crazy and quite odd" she says "honestly so am I" helena says "ok I'm sorry but i have to ask when did you come up with this playlist" anne asks "well when I was about three years old one of the older kids in the home I was in took me into the closet under the stairs and turned the lights off and then covered my mouth and then 30 minutes later the owner of the home found us then when I was 12 they kept covering their mouth and pointing tomato sauce to me so I thought they were planning my down take so I made that playlist so my friends can play it but turns out they were just doing it to scare me and that's how that happened" they say "oh god I'm not sure how I'm supposed to react to that" anne says "me neither" sarah says "Well I'm tried so I'm gonna go to bed night to all of you" y/n says "ok night" we all say once shes in her room I say "I'm very fucking concerned" "I think we all are cate" anne says
That conversation is based off a conversation with my family

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