Chapter 5

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Lilith POV:

We are currently in Momonoki-sensei's class and are currently learning about transformation magic, the task was to cast a spell on a frog from the jar at the front desk of the teacher. Sensei called Iruma to try it and she also told Iruma the mantra or spell word which was "Cheruushiru". Iruma casted the spell and the color of the frog changed and a gorgeous black at that point, thanks to Ojii-sama's magic, Iruma was able to cast his own magic from the "Ring of Gluttony"

Class continued on and the bell sounded indicating the end of class, I was now walking beside Azz, Clara and Iruma although my presence was really hidden but I made sure that my presence can be noticed by Iruma, Clara and Azz. The pinkete male and greenette went ahead leaving Iruma and me, however I soon disappeared out of nowhere. I whispered to Iruma that I'll be following him and the other two later as I need to head somwhere, he nodded and soon I disappeared from his sight. I teleported to the rooftop in seconds and my tiara shined, I panicked and immediately jumped to the highest branch of the cherry-blossom tree.

From the stone of my tiara that was on the middle, my crimson red eyes glowed and then I saw visions, the first one was that I was standing in front of a large door that was sealed, the second was my evil cycle and the third one was that I saw Iruma along with the other members of the student council, all three visions were on my point of view. I closed my eyes shut and took a deep breath...

It's been awhile since I saw some visions so my magic is a bit uneasy

I held my head with my right hand and then tapped the crystal from my tiara with my index finger, still the same hand...

I've been having lots of sleep hoping my visions would appear once again in my dreams but seems I was wrong. Maybe that's why before dad disappeared he gifted me this tiara...

I have three in total, the tiara I'm currently wearing is supposed to control my magic, the second also controls my magic but my magic is much stronger when I'm in my evil cycle, thus I use my second tiara during my evil cycle

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I have three in total, the tiara I'm currently wearing is supposed to control my magic, the second also controls my magic but my magic is much stronger when I'm in my evil cycle, thus I use my second tiara during my evil cycle...

I have three in total, the tiara I'm currently wearing is supposed to control my magic, the second also controls my magic but my magic is much stronger when I'm in my evil cycle, thus I use my second tiara during my evil cycle

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For my third tiara...well it's the most special one as it was my mother's, unlike the other two of my tiara's. Mother's tiara balances both my evil cycle and the normal one, in other words I can willingly change into my evil cycle and switch back to normal once again

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