Lying on your stomach, your own pool of blood soon surrounded you—wrapping you like a warm embrace.

Fuck—there was so much blood. Too much blood.

You knew for sure, in that very moment: you were going to die. In what seemed to be a straightforward mission: protecting Rengoku—had ended in tragedy.

The sun bared down on your back, though it didn't offer a single shred of solace for how you felt.

You weren't ready to die—you didn't want to die. You still had so much left to do; so much more left you had to experience.

Why were these things always happening to you?

"N-No.. I don't.. I don't wanna.." You whimpered, tears falling from your cheeks as your breath grew heavy.

You desperately outstretched your hand toward the forest, to which you were oh, so far away from. "No.. no— (B/N).. c-come back! Ple.. Please..!!" You cried, hiccuping.

You had lost your brother indefinitely.

Whoever you knew before you departed for this world—he was gone; reduced to ashes.

You wanted to be held. You wanted somebody to tell you that everything was going to be okay—that you were going to live.

You wanted to be fed empty promises for the sake of comfort.

Inosuke dropped to his knees beside you, taking off his boar mask and setting it aside. He turned you to your back, shaking your shoulders.

It was then—as the sun shone on his feminine face—that you realized what a pretty shade of green his eyes were.

"(Y/N)!! Don't die!! Pull it together!!" Inosuke cried, his tears landing on your bloodied figure.

Throughout your sob, you offered a strained, weakened laugh. "You— You.. finally got my name.. right.." You started, choking on your own blood.

"Your eyes really are such a beautiful green," You rambled, beginning to shiver as shock set in.

It wasn't before long that Tanjirou joined you at your side, cradling you within his arms once more. It was the second time that night it had happened.

Only this time, you weren't joking when you were dying.

"(Y-Y/N)!! Stay with me, okay?! You're gonna be okay!!" Tanjirou sobbed, his expression distressed. "Somebody call a doctor!! Please!! We need a doctor!!" He yelled, turning over his shoulder.

"Rengoku, please!! What do we do?!" He begged, only to lock his gaze on the unconscious hashira.

"No— no, no!!" He cried, squeezing your body tighter.

"What— what do we do?!" Inosuke panickedly yelled.

"Is.. Is Rengoku.. okay..?" You croaked, unable to tilt your head to face him.

"He's sleeping," Inosuke choked out, unable to fight back his continuous tears. "B-But he's breathing!! I think!!"

You shakily exhaled. "G-Good. That's.. that's good. Akaza— he was.. going to kill Rengoku.. I knew it from the start," You admitted.

𝑺𝑻𝑬𝑳𝑳𝑨𝑹  ⤶ 「 𝑲𝑵𝒀 𝑿 𝑴𝑶𝑫𝑬𝑹𝑵 𝑹𝑬𝑨𝑫𝑬𝑹 」Where stories live. Discover now