"Yeah, see that's not what we're gonna do." Daniel clenches his jaw. "Jayde?" Aaron speaks again. "Um you know, just a second Hotch." Aliana responds and Daniel lets out a chuckle. "Oh? Hotch? Why don't you use his name? You had no problem of it a few moments ago." Daniel speaks. "Daniel lets not do this right now." Aliana pleads.

     "You're not wearing that. You just want to put on display how much of a slut you are, don't you?" He speaks again, Aliana shifting uncomfortably, an action Aaron takes note of as his anger furthers. "What did you just say to her?" Aaron speaks up, sternly. "You have no right to call a woman such names, especially one so respectable. As a matter of fact, you have no choice in what she does or wears."

     "Hotch it's fine I'll just go change and we can go-" Aliana desperately tries. "Oh of course you'll go anywhere with him, really shows how much of a whore you are huh?" Daniel seethes quietly to Aliana, though Aaron can hear every word of it. "Hotch I'm fine really, let's just go. I'll be home later babe." She pushes past Daniel, leaving with Aaron.

     "Are you alright?" Aaron asks once they're in the car, pulling out of the building. "Yep. I'm all good." She gives a tight lipped smile. "Aliana, is he always like that?" Aaron asks and she quickly shakes her head. "No he's just been a little on edge recently, there's a lot going on for him, and he's just a little protective." She covers and he shakes his head. "Aliana, the way he was talking to you-" He tries and she cuts him off. "He loves me, okay? You just don't get it and you are the last person I am talking to about my love life." She ends the conversation there, and it's silent until they get to the bar.

     "Well we should go meet everyone else. Thanks for driving." Aliana awkwardly clambers out of the car as Aaron meets her at the door, holding it open and letting her enter first. "Thank you." She mutters, scanning the room for the team, spotting them at a booth in the back corner, leading him towards them.

     "Heyy, look who finally showed up!" Derek exclaims. "Damn princess that dress does wonders for your body!" Derek smirks at her and she smiles back. "Why thank you handsome." Aliana laughs and everyone else showers each other with compliments. "Hey Em and I are gonna go get drinks anyone want anything in specific or just the usual?" Aliana cuts in. "Oh um okay." Emily says sliding out of the booth as everyone says they want their usual.

     "Okay soo what's up?" Emily asks after Aliana places the drink orders. "Oh my God Em it was awful." Aliana groans. "What? What happened?" Emily questions. "Okay I'm only telling you cause I trust you. Daniel and I were having sex and I moaned the wrong name." Aliana covers her face with her hand. "What do you mean the wrong name?? Whose name?" She inquires.

     "Aaron." Aliana responds quietly. "I'm sorry what?" Emily asks. "Aaron!" Aliana whisper yells at Emily to which she chokes on the drink she was finishing before her new one got there. "You what?!" Emily exclaims. "I know, I know! And Daniel got pissed. And rightfully I guess. Then fucking Hotch showed up to pick me up and Daniel answered the door while I touched up my makeup." Aliana rambles.

     "So anyways, He introduced himself at the door and I guess Daniel connected the dots and got mad and didn't want me to leave with him. Then Hotch told him off right there and I thought Dan was gonna blow a fuse. I quickly pulled the both of us out of there before things got serious because both of them looked like they wanted to kill each other. I'm being dead serious I cannot make this up." Aliana explains.

     After listening closely to the story, Emily looks back at Aliana with a smirk. "What??" Aliana asks and Emily laughs. "Sounds like someone is a little protective of our little miss Aliana Jayde." Emily teases. "Really?? that's what you got out of that??" Aliana groans. "Sorry, sorry. I'm sorry you went through that, that sounds like enough awkwardness for a whole lifetime."

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