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     Thursday 7:14 AM. Just 37 hours and 16 minutes until Aliana got to go to Spencer's house for the weekly Dr. Who marathon. They were rewatching at this point, but they didn't care; they got a chance to not think about work and all the awful cases they dealt with through the week. For Aliana, it was time away from her overbearing boss and a chance to hang out with her friend. For Spencer, it was an escape from reality of being on cases and learning more things that would be engraved in his brain forever; a chance to just relax and watch his favorite show with one of his favorite people.

     However, when Aliana woke up this morning, rather than the longing feeling of waiting for Friday evening, she felt panic. Lets rewind a bit to this morning. Instead of her alarm going off at it's usual time of 5:45 AM, it didn't go off and she woke up on her own at 6:30. It didn't help that JJ called her to let her know they had a case and to make sure she got in by 7 when they would brief. When going to get out of bed of course, Aliana heard a voice walking into the room. "Hey babe did you need a ride to work toda- are you fucking serious?!" Her boyfriend, Daniel's tone quickly became angry and accusatory.

      "You're just waking up?" He questions, not giving her a moment to answer before continuing. "Of course not, you lazy bitch. Get out of bed!" He yells and Aliana scrambles to get up. "Get over here!" He growls out and she gets out of bed walking over, nervously. "Daniel I'm so sorry but I am going to be late for work-" She tries and he cuts her off, smacking her across the face. "And who's fault is that? It most certainly isn't mine. But just for that I guess I'm making it mine." Daniel grips her chin harshly.

     "Dan I'm sorry my alarm didn't go off-" Aliana tries to explain herself and he smacks her across the face again. "Enough excuses. You're fucking irresponsible. I don't need your excuses, slut." He shuts her down, one hand wrapping itself around her neck. "I know you like this shit. Let's see how much pleasure you get out of a punishment." He grunts out, pushing her up against the wall, his other hand wrapping itself over the one already there, cutting airflow.

     Aliana begins to struggle as her airways are cut off, gasping for air, clawing at his hands. "Yeah, bet you don't like that now, huh?" Daniel chuckles darkly. "D-Daniel-" She gasps out. "What is it, whore?" He scoffs out. "Can't brea-the" She struggles and he laughs as she grips his hands, her nails digging into the skin, trying to pull his hand away. "You fucking bitch, that hurt." He lets go of her as he begins to lose color in her face, pushing her to the ground, spitting in her face, landing a kick to her calf. "You better get your ass ready for work. and cover those bruises. You're driving yourself today."

     When Daniel left the bedroom, Aliana continued to gasp for air on the ground, now trying to ease the pain in her calf through massaging it. A few moments later, Aliana pulled herself up off the ground, seeing the time was now 6:40, rushing to the bathroom to examine her current state. She looked a mess, her hair matted with sweat, her face still gaining color slowly and her eyes bloodshot. The hazel eyed girl shakes it off and runs a hairbrush through her hair, deciding she'd still need makeup, as she brushed her fingertips over the bruises around her neck and one forming on her face.

     After rushing to blend some concealer and foundation over the marks left on her skin from her encounter with her boyfriend, she hurries herself to her closet. Aliana then rushed to pick an outfit and get ready, finding the first dress pants and turtleneck she saw and taking them off the hangers. She knew it'd probably be hot wherever they went, as it was summer, but she was accustomed to turtlenecks at this point. Aliana hurried to put some shoes on and took one last look in the mirror with a sigh, seeing the time was already 6:57 and it was 15 minutes to the office.

     Aliana of course, mumbled a goodbye, planting a kiss on Daniel's cheek and rushed out the door and to her car, beginning to drive. "Shit shit shit." She panicked to herself. She called Derek but to no avail, he didn't answer, instead getting his voicemail, "Hey this is Derek Morgan I can't answer the phone right now, leave me a message and I'll get back to you later, honey. Unless you're Hotch or Rossi then I'll just get back to you, okay bye." The tone said, Morgan's flirtatious tone flooding the car, followed by a beep.

hate to hate youDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora