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"You have to take her! The poor girl has been through enough."

you know the basics.

(4T/M) 4-Town Member of your choice.

"The number one rule in my family?

Honor. Your. Parents.

They're the supreme beings who brought you life, who sweated and sacrificed so much to put a roof over your head food on your plate! An epic amount of food. The least you can do in return is... every single thing they ask.

'Course some people are like "Be careful. Honoring your parents sounds great, but if you take it too far, well, you might forget to honor yourself.""

"Luckily I don't have that problem because I hardly honor my parents in the first place. I'm Y/n Lee and the girl walking proudly beside me is my adoptive sister Meilin Lee. Don't tick me off as a bad child yet because I don't honor my parents. Of course I love them, especially my dad, but I just don't do as much for them as Meilin does. She is basically a slave to our mother but is too oblivious to realize it. She's always been the favorite because of how brainwashed she is."

"But since Meilin's thirteenth birthday, she's been acting like she owns the world. I envy her for her confidence and attitude. I may be the older one if not by a few months but she's got more confidence, maturity, and optimism for the future than the both of us can hold. In fact she's been so carefree these past few weeks she will do random things like cartwheel out of nowhere just because she felt like it. It's kind of embarrassing, all the eyes on us."

"Anyway let's get on with this... story."

I sit next to my sister on the bus on the way to school. She pulls out her homework she wasn't able to complete last night even though she spends hours working on after-school work and begins to complete the problems. Without looking at me she mutters,

"Mom's gonna be mad if you don't finish your homework Y/n." She says in a sing-song tone.

"Let her be mad." I shrug, pulling out my headphones and MP3 player. I roll my eyes as she gives me a look. "I'll finish it in class." So bossy.

We arrive at school and I slip my headphones around my neck, slipping my MP3 player in my pocket.

Meilin slams the doors open, holding her flute case in her mouth, grinning like a maniac.

"Besties assemble!"

"Miriam!" Meilin calls and a pale, freckled girl with curly, light brown hair and a green theme to her clothing turns to us with chips in her mouth, crunching them with her braced teeth, turns to us with a hum before swallowing her snack and grinning.

"Hey!" Miriam calls out, running to us and doing a small handshake with Meilin before high-fiving me.

"Priya!" Meilin points to a dark skinned girl with round glasses and silky, chocolate brown, curly hair with a yellow clothing scheme, reading some kind of vampire romance.

Priya looks over the book she's reading and eyes the three of us with hooded eyes. "Yo." She slams her book closed and saunters over to us, doing a small handshake with Meilin.

We look forward to a short Korean girl screaming at a group about something in Korean. "Abby!"

The girl in pink turns to us and instantly brightens up. "Yeah. What's up, Mei?" She grins and we all assemble.

"Ready to change the world?" Meilin asks with determination, looking the four of us in the eye.

"So ready." Miriam snaps with a lazy grin.

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