Part sixteen 🌹

Start from the beginning

"Come, darling, our court awaits." I said, grabbing Thalia and we winnowed away.


The Autumn Court was bustling. News that Beron had died spread quickly. I sauntered up the stairs and entered my old home. My three brothers were arguing, when I threw the door open.

"Your new High Lord has arrived. Bow." I spoke calmly.

"We're not bowing to anyone." My brother Odin sneered.

Fire erupted from my hand, as I shot it out towards him. "Is that anyway to speak to your brother?" I cooed, as Thalia hid behind Arion.

My other brother Ares stared wide eyed at me. "Where have you been all this time?"

"That's none of your concern." I said, picking lint off my jacket.

"Greet your new High Lady." I spoke, as Thalia peeked out from behind Arion.

"Come, darling." I held my hand out and she slowly walked towards me and then clung to my hand.

"She's not even High Fae! Her blood smells different." Odin sneered, as Ares stared at her curiously.

"Do not speak about her that way." I snarled, as Thalia flinched.

"Take me to my throne." I commanded.

We all walked into another room while Thalia looked petrified. I was worried about this. I didn't even have a chance to warn her. She glanced at me as I winked and gave her a warm smile, before my cold mask slipped on again.

I felt her relax, as she squeezed my hand.

"Where did the other one run off too?" Arion asked.

Ares shrugged. "Who knows."

Thalia peered at him curiously, as she gave him a timid smile. He gave a small one in return and she whispered in my ear. "He seems nicer than the other one."

I snorted, "Don't be fooled Thalia... none of these people are nice."

She frowned, as she watched Ares again. He picked at his nails, biting off the skin.

She tugged at me again, "He's nervous! Look what he's doing to his fingers... I used to do that."

I frowned glancing over at my youngest brother, he was indeed biting his nails off.

"Hello." Thalia spoke gently.

He stopped, hiding his hands. "Hello."

"I can give you some tricks you know... to help you stop doing that."

His eyes widened, "Really?"

"Yes, of course. I used to do it too." She murmured, gently patting his arm.

"I wasn't expecting you to be nice to me." Ares said softly.

"What were you expecting then?" She asked curiously.

He shrugged, "Eris isn't known for being nice. But... You're nice... and I like the way your blood smells."

I tensed, ready to snap at him as Thalia burst out laughing. "What does it smell like then?"

A small smile played at Ares' lips, "Sweet, but a warrior."

"Seems pretty cool if you ask me." Thalia grinned.

Ares' cheeks flushed, as he looked away shyly.

Perhaps I was wrong about him. He was the youngest so I never really interacted with him much.

Odin rolled his eyes, "I'm not fawning over her and I will challenge you to power, Eris."

Arion snorted, "Good luck with that."

Thalia snickered, as Ares' grinned lightly.

I nudged Thalia, "Go sit on your throne, darling."

Her eyes widened, "That's your throne."

"It's yours. You're the High Lady and you have the power. I'm just here." I shrugged.

"You have the power, Eris... We're equals... Remember that." She crossed her arms.

I grinned, "Don't be stubborn."

She gave me a vulgar gesture and then sat on the throne.

Her face scrunched up, "I hope someone cleaned this before Beron died."

Ares let out a laugh, as he coughed and put a hand over his mouth.

She got up and held her hand out to him. "Show me around, please."

Even Odin's eyes widened, as Ares tentatively took her hand. She grinned, grabbing onto his arm as they walked throughout the house.

"I've been meaning to tell you... Ares is one of us." Arion whispered, as I froze.

"How can you be sure?" I spoke quietly.

I caught him crying one day after Beron lashed him for failing to find a cure for him.

My heart sank, this whole time my youngest brother put on the same act I did.

"Let Thalia baby him for a while... He needs her kindness." Arion spoke, as I nodded.

"And Odin and Charon?" I asked.

"Twats... Both of them." Arion smirked.

I watched as Thalia talked animatedly to Ares, and he watched her with fascination.

My heart swelled with pride. This was my future and I could now rule as I pleased. With Thalia by my side, I was confident. She was gentle and kind, everything I wasn't. She would bring peace to Autumn. I knew it wasn't going to happen overnight... But for the first time in a long time, I had hope.

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