Chapter 8

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Once school was over, i happily went home. I sat on the couch watching TV when i heard my phone buzzed. I pick it up and saw that there's a text message from Chloe and Zoey. It said:


Chloe: So how did it go?

Me: What?

Zoey: With you and Brandon!

Me: Oh, turns out the rumor was a lie after all :)

Chloe: Oh good! Now you two can live happily ever after....

Me: Riiight. Well i have to go.

Zoey: 'Kay bye

I walked up to the kitchen, and my mum opened the door.

''Hey sweetie, did you have a good day at school?'' She asked

''Yea!'' I said happily 

''Okay, can you babysit Brianna for 15 minutes? I got to pick up some stuff'' Mum said

''Sure'' I said

''I'll be back later at 7.''

''Okay bye!''

I happily run up to my room, change, and fix myself to some treats.

I run up to the living room to see Brianna fiddling on my phone, typing something. I rush over.

''BRIANNA! Don't touch!'' I said

''Ok ok! fine''

I check through my phone to make sure she didn't do anything. Then flop myself on the couch, and think.

Wow, I'm surprised nothing bad happened today.

Then i slowly close my eyes, and think about tomorrow.


I woke up quickly and check the time.

Darn! I'm late to school!

I quickly grab the first pair of jeans and shirt i see. Then i rush out the door.

''Bye mom!'' I yelled.

By the time i make it to school, the homeroom bell rings. I stuff my backpack inside my locker and head to my homeroom. I hear hushed whispers once i walk towards homeroom. It sounds familiar.

I silently follow the voices. Then i take a small peek, so they won't see me. I peered in and gasped. 

I look and see.....


I slowly follow them.

DUH-DUH-DUH. So what do you think of the update? More soon to come!


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