1: History's Repeating Once Again

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Nobody's POV:

Everything happened too fast.... really really fast...

Baekhyun's POV:

This is all my fault.. If only I could have protected her better... than she wouldnt be in the operating room shot by two bullets. Yes... two... Woohyun was so shocked that he shot another bullet after Min. This is a recap of what happened:

Min was shot by Woohyun. Her eyes closed after she say that she was exos bodyguard and that they were one. Then Woohyun was so shocked that he pulled the trigger and shot her again. She was shot in the head and in the stomach. The guys were crying and... The police and Ambulance came in. INFINITE were arrested and brought to jail.

Then... we're here at the hospital with Min's parents. They were crying and still are. I told them it was my fault but they said that I'm not the one to blame and that Woohyun is the one who should pay for it since it was his fault.

we've been waiting here for 2 hours and nobody bothered to speak. All you can hear are sobs and sniffs. Everybody's a wreck... we're all a mess...

The doctor still hasnt come out. It still says 'UNDER OPERATION' in the board... Min... you're strong right? Yoh can do it right? Please... don't die... I.. I can't take it if you die..

Nobody's POV:

Their flight to Korea was cancelled since Min's been here for nearly 3 hours.

"Auntie.. Uncle.. Please eat at least some food... you came here all the way from Korea in just 20 minutes and you havent eaten a single thing at all... please eat..." Suho told Min's parent. "Suho-ah... Were fine.. we can manage.. besides.. You guys need to eat too. don't mind about us and eat food. Ask your membees to eat too" Min's dad rejected the offer. Min's parents couldnt eat with the thought that their daughter was there at the operaation room, fighting for her life. If it werent for Woohyun.. then she wouldnt have been there. They both made sure that Woohyun and INFINUTE would rot and die in jail. They need to pay.. pay for what they did to Min... To her...

Suho, just nodded his head and asked his members to eat but they wouldnt want to. They said that they would wait for Min before they would eat. He also asked the two girls but they said the same thing as Exo did. They were crying.. their eyes were puffy and red and tears are still flowing from their eyes. They ciuldnt help it... they love her too much and the thought that maybe she would die kills them.. A LOT.

Then.. the 'under operation' sign was changed to 'operation done' Which made them all stand up and rushed to the door. The doctor stepped out with an unhappy face but a sign of relief too.

"She lost lots of blood... but we were able to save her.. But there's also a bad news..." The doctor said. "What is it Dr. park??" Kris asked him. ".... there might be side effects since when she was shot in the brain, she might have fallen down hard and her head fell first... One side affect might be.. amnesia. we're still not sure though.. we can find out if she wakes up" The doctor said and took his leave.

... This can't be happening.. why does it seems like... History's repeating Once Again... Baekhyun thought as he fell down on his knees and cried like a river. He couldnt even think what would happen to him if Min forgot him once again.

Everybody was a mess... especially Bakehyun. He can't let the same thing happen... again. He's too scared. What if she... she doesn't remember him again? What if... if its worse? What would he do now...

After a few hous... Min was transfered to a room where no one can enter except for Exo, her family and bestgriends and exo were the only ones there. It was 5 in the morning and they still haven't slept nor eaten since they want to be there when Min wakes up.

"Guys.. Its already morning... you need to at least eat. let's go out...." Suho said. He was worried about the memebers tio.

"But hyung" sehun was about to complain but suho cutted him off "Min wouldnt be too happy if she sees us like this...". That made exo freeze and look at suho. They all stood up and orepared to leave except for Bakehyun.

"I'll pass guys.. I'm not in the mood to eat.. I'll just watch here and maybe Min will wake up..." he says. "But Bae-" "Hyung.. please" Baekhyun countered Suho. Suho just nodded and went off with his members while taking a last glance at Baekhyun. He took a chair and sat beside Min. He held her hand and looked at her peaceful sleeping figure. "yah.. how many hours do you plan on sleeping.. wake up... please.. Is thsi sleeping beauty?? Would you wake uo if I kissed you?" he said as a tear fell down from his eyes and started flowing....

He took his hand away from hers and he went to the bathroom... little did he knew... somebody was staring at him... 'I'm sorry... I'm sorry that I cant tell and I'm sorry because... I need to do this... for you guys... for you...' that person thought as he/she looked at Baekhyun disappearing... He/she nreds to do it ... for them... that person will...

[HINT ABOUT THAT PERSON: Someone... Unexpected and unexpectedly a great... who knows XD only I know.. oh and... Read the note below... Its important...]

Hey guys!!!! SORRY FOR THE SUPER AND SHOT UPDATE... I wanted to end iy with a cliffhanger XD and.... Eho is That person?? What does he/she needs to do??? And most importantly... Where could he/she be hiding??? *I mentioned that the room cant easily be entered by anyone* hahahah!!! Who wants to know??? The 1ST one to MESSAGE ME (PM) Would be the ONLY one to know... Good luck Guys!!! Il probably consider the second too!!! Goodluck guys!!! Bye!!

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