Mutant Ghast (?)

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Name: Korhonen-Borg, Felix

Day of Birth: 05/09/2505

Pronouns: He/Him

Description: Local Finnish man that's currently a chemistry teacher that occasionally publishes findings in combustion chemistry. Former over-glorified babysitter of Karl. Generally very aloof and reserved unless he's interacting with children or friends. Is infamous for being the sarcastic type, much to everyone's chagrin.

Felix was born in, grew up in, and still lives in the Finland of the Nether to a Swedish dad & Finnish mum. Both of his parents are mutants, but it is unclear if they are of the same type due to his mother's ancestry not originating from the Nether. He suspects some Ur-Ghast genetics as he is larger than the average mutant Ghast.

Finland, like Germany, remained neutral in the human-mob war. Both the mob-governed and human-governed nations thought the war was unnecessary & too expensive to justify joining in. As a result, Felix lived a peaceful, albeit stale, life in his early youth. For all he knows, the Nether roof breaking open every few months is the most interesting thing his young mind came across. The taste of a colder climate was nice though.

Once in a while, his mother would allow Felix to play with the child of two family friends. Felix was quite confused as to why this couple's child is a normal Creeper while they were mutants. Felix was even more intrigued by how they never seem to appear as mutants when their own child is present, furthering his confusion even more. Regardless, he was content with having a friends and no siblings.

That status was invalidated once his sister was born. Felix initially wished he had taken Antonio & Cole's warnings more seriously but ended up pretty chill in his new predicament. In hindsight, perhaps taking advice from a broody, paranoid preteen & another that would probably commit arson if he can't do math all day is not the best idea. Felix is genuinely still wondering how the hell did they ended up as well-adjusted adults. Okay, maybe not Antonio because he has a math doctorate, but you get the idea.

The arrangement with the Houben family later turned to be more permanent by the time Felix was between 10 and 11. It was official: Felix is in charge of the walking bomb of a five-year old. Pretty early on, the Creeper made it clear they despised their birth name and wanted to be called Caiden for the time being. Felix went along with it and was not shocked by what came of them later on in life. He's honestly more surprised nobody else figured it out earlier.

The two were, and still are, extremely close. Every time the Nether roof collapses, Felix, without fail, would drag both his sister and Caiden out to fool around in the glimpse of the snowy, frigid outer crust. Is it irresponsible? Yes. Did it make long, lasting memories? Also yes. The three still reminisce about those times and liked to bring their children to experience the same childhood wonders (albeit more responsibly).

Beyond having to house war refugees, there was not a lot to note for Felix's life. He did well in school, especially in chemistry, and snarks on his friends for having their crushes have a chokehold on their lives (primarily directed at Nathaniel and Antonio). The only acquaintance that seemed immune to this snark was Edward, who sometimes joined in on the fun if Antonio is involved. Felix absolutely hated being asked about romantic relationships in his teenage years nor be asked about having any desire to seek it out, especially by older people. Of course, not everyone got the memo that Felix is aroace & continued to pester him about it. Luckily for him, none of those annoyances followed him later in life (at least not for prolonged periods of time).

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15 ⏰

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