die and meet God

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A man walks down the street but if you where not told that was a boy you would think it was a gorgeous girl. He had blond hair,blue eyes,a feminine figure,a heart-shaped face,almond eyes, pink pouty lips and a beauty mark on his cheek.This man's name alen and he didn't know it but he was going to get reincarnated in rick and morty.
Alen started to to walk to the store to get supplies for his 24 hour rick and morty binge. He was crossing the street to get to the store but unfortunately Alen had made the mistake to not look both ways while crossing. Meanwhile, a truck driver had lost control and was beeping at the pedestrians to move but alen was not paying attention and when he noticed it was already to late the truck smashed against him and he broke his bones and a bone stabs his lung and fill them with blood to slowly drown alen coughs out blood, the people around him beg him to stay awake but he is losing consciousness as black spot invade his vision and everything turns black.

Meanwhile in the void

Alen wakes up in a black space he tries to scream but he can't he doesn't have a mouth he doesn't even have a body,where is he."Calm down my child you are in the void the place where souls come if they are not supposed to die yet you are in here because you were not supposed to have hit by that truck and as a apology you have three wishes and do not worry I can hear your thoughts so there is no need to speak" God said."can I pick where I want to go and how I look" said alen. God said"you can pick where you want to go but you have to keep your current appearance"."that is OK i would like to go to the world rick and morty I always wanted to go there" said alen."that is okay my child" said God, "for my first wish I wish that I had the powers of rimuru tempest ,my second wish is to be smarter than all the ricks combined, my third wish is to have all the luck and charm and charisma."said alen. God said" very well my child your wishes are granted, I hope you have a good life" as God said that I could feel myself teleporting to the rick and morty universe.

reincarnated in rick and morty!?!Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt