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❧𝐰𝐞𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐚𝐬𝐭❧

Scrolling across her Spotify account was not exactly how the self proclaimed player would spend his weekday night. His face was scrunched up in disgust with every click he did, every playlist he looked through, and even winced when he filed through her followers. He needed something, anything to just get a bit of her. It was driving him insane. Levi couldn't decide if his heart or his dick was doing more of the thinking, but all he knew was that he needed her or he'd die, but not that he'd admit it. Deeper than any of his dark secrets, his profound crush on Y/N ruined his pride more than anything, and every time she pulled away, just as he was getting close enough, it made him fall deeper into Y/N's ploy.

He felt like a hopeless deer in front of headlights, and the car about to crash into him was the temptation of giving into Y/N.

Hopelessly devoted.

Levi had to bite on his cheek from laughing maniacally. She knew fully how he had an icy cold front that no girl had ever managed to melt through, and yet she still had the cheek of it to push his limits. Perhaps that was her ulterior motive, a twisted experiment to get him to 'feel' something, he thought, the possibility amusing him. Still, he couldn't be mad at her for having a motive, for he had his. Y/N in his bed.

A small, tiny part of Levi was excited to see if his theory of Y/N trying to crack him was true, since he knew that he was certainly most obviously emotionally cut off. He could barely look at a girl whilst fucking her and had never even held hands before. Levi Ackerman felt nothing for no one, yet there he was, his heart racing as he skimmed through playlists bursting full of love songs that made him cringe, and a few male followers that made him sigh heavily.

"What's getting you so frustrated?" Hange asks, brunette hair sticking up and dark circles around their eyes, courtesy of exam season.

"Nothing." Levi muttered through gritted teeth as Hange smiles, a little spark in their eye.

"Mikasa said she saw you and Y/N leave the library at different times a few days ago. What was that about?"

"Nothing." He replied dismissively, trying not to scowl.

Rumours circulated about how Levi boasted about his trophies, but no one had ever heard him except for Hange and Erwin, the only people who had ever been told about his endeavours. Erwin didn't care for his promiscuity and Hange just lectured him again and again about how hookup culture was bad for the soul, and how maybe Levi should start dating seriously, which made Levi fake puke. He mainly told them because they didn't truly care, but he just wanted someone to know that he was doing all this.

Hange's eyes glittered, looking at Levi's locked jaw, his cold eyes staring at his laptop screen, bemused and bored, perhaps a glint of agitation amongst the silver. Levi would've spoken about her by now. A simple, Y/N was good. Really good. He was never too detailed, never one for a compliment, and just updated them whilst they ignored him, for his endeavours were never significant. A girl from the sorority. Someone from his lab class. Never anyone that seemed to stick with him.

"Do you like her?" Hange asked, straight the point, causing Levi to jerk as if Hange had just stabbed him. He looked so shocked Hange had to bite back on their cheek from laughing.

"No! Anything but. You know I can't stand her." He said defensively, Hange nodding, not taking his word as Levi frowned even more.

"That day, the first time you saw her. Didn't you say something about her?" They further question as Levi sighed. He had thought Hange was too high or too drunk to even notice his words.

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