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        The Avengers (Marvel) - All Media Types


        Loki/Thor/Original Character(s) (Marvel)


        Loki (Marvel)Other AvengersThor (Marvel)Original Female Character(s)Original Child Character(s)Nick FuryPhil Coulson

-I'm pregnant?! This can't be happening!! I can't be!!- were Leah's thoughts as she ran down the corridor, she didn't knew where she was running to nor she cared, she just knew she had to get as far away of the penthouse as possible, tears were running down her cheeks, why was this happening?, only the day before she thought Loki's visits were dreams and now she knew she was pregnant with his child. He could've least told her why, even if it was a lie, he could've told her something.

Exhaustion made her trip and there she stayed lying on the ground as she let all the emotions of the last day overwhelmed her. Panic made her sit up as she noticed her breathing becoming constricted , but it didn't helped, she had no idea of where she was, she had been in such a hurry to escape and now she was alone. She could feel a dull pain in her chest, it was different from the pain she usually felt, sharper. As she let herself slide to the ground she could hear voices at the distance calling for her, but she wasn't able to call them back, a sweet sensation of oblivion filled her as her senses faded away.

-She is in the southeast corridor of the north wing two levels below the penthouse Sir- The AI answered Tony.

-How the hell she got away so far so fast?- was Tony's response —Never mind that, Steve, Thor you are the fastest go get her, Banner will be waiting for you on the medical word, I'll guide you to her.-

Steve speed and agility gave him the advantage as he was the first to arrive, he reached her just as she felt unconscious, swiftly he carried her directly to the medical ward where Banner, Clint and Natasha had been waiting for them. After what seemed an eternity Banner went out the ward to the small waiting area where the rest of the team was waiting for news.

-Will she be all right? —Thor asked him concern written all over his face

-Yes she will Thor.-Banner told him with a smile

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