"Would you perhaps like to join us outside, Keya dear? The fresh air is especially welcoming this morning. I'm sure that your health would benefit greatly from it. Plus, I've got a lesson planned for Zuko. Wouldn't you like to learn some more about... erhm," Iroh trailed off, quickly noticing the lack of enthusiasm from both teens.

"I think it's best that I stay and rest inside for a while, but thank you Iroh." Keya declined as politely as she could, hoping the two would go away so that she could grab some tea and snuggle back in her little corner. She was not going anywhere near the hot-head (literally) while he trained his skill. Besides, she had a lot of thinking to do. For instance, she had to come up with a plan about how she was going to hide the fact that she was an airbender and how quickly she could get back on her path to Ba Sing Se. Iroh was awake now, so she could just return those cursed spark rocks and head towards actual safety instead of staying with two firebenders(!!).

Zuko seemed all too happy with her answer, immediately nodding and turning back around to go outside with a relieved sigh. However, his uncle had another trick up his sleeve. The old man was more cunning than he appeared.

"Alright, then. That's- ooh. Ah, ouch!" Iroh suddenly hissed and groaned, clutching his bandages dramatically. Keya and Zuko were instantly at his side, making sure that their friend -and uncle- was okay.

"Oof, ouch. Ai..." Iroh exclaimed some more and stumbled outside, where the two teens followed him worriedly. He had to hide his smirk as Zuko and Keya immediately came to his aide, forgetting their dislike for one another without a second thought. There was some hope, after all.

"Uncle! Are you sure you're alright? We can wait with my training if need be. I was foolish to think that you were-"

"Don't worry about me, pr- Zuko." Iroh sputtered his nephew's name. Keya was too worried to take notice of his mishap. She stared at the old man with one hand raised halfway in the air, ready to help him but hesitant at the same time. The knowledge that he was a firebender held her back slightly, but not as much as she had expected. He was still a friend to her, despite his heritage... Perhaps he softened her heart because he reminded her of the father she'd never known.

"Are you sure, Iroh? I could bring you some tea if you'd like." The girl offered kindly. She still had her cloak wrapped tightly around her shoulders, but noticed that the old man's earlier statements had been right. The sun shined on her brown head warmly, accompanied by a friendly breeze that energised her more than she'd like to admit. Birds chirped outside enthusiastically and the few trees that were around them swayed and danced softly. It was indeed a nice day outside and the fresh air instantly made her feel a bit better.

Iroh waved the teens' worries away dismissively. "I'm quite fine, really. No need to worry about 'little old me'. I might be old, but I'm not dead yet." He claimed, but coughed and grunted a bit more just to really sell his act. Zuko and Keya listened attentively to him, both waiting for him to collapse at any second. Was this all it took to get teens to listen? He should have tried getting injured sooner, Iroh pondered to himself. His plan was going rather well so far.

"But perhaps," Iroh suggested innocuously, "Miss Keya could keep an eye out for me while I train Zuko. That way we can all get better safely."

His idea sounded very sane and well-thought out. Zuko thought about it for a bit, before nodding and agreeing with his uncle. He did want to continue his training after all. Zuko glanced at the girl for a moment, waiting for her response. Keya looked back inside the hut briefly, where the tea kettle was still keeping its delicious contents from her. She pondered her options and eventually nodded as well. She wasn't fit to travel all alone in her current condition, anyway. She might as well stay for a bit... it wasn't like Ba Sing Se was going to disappear anytime soon.

"Sure- but, I do want to drink some tea as I sit outside. I'll get some for you as well, Iroh. And lastly," She swivelled around to face the young firebender, "I'm keeping my distance! Don't try anything funny with that... p-power of yours." With her finger raised threateningly (although it shook more than she would like to admit), she huffed and went inside to grab some tea. She leaned on the walls once she was out of sight. Who knew that sleeping so much could leave someone so tired!

Zuko's fists clenched at her offensive words. His breaths were deep and his shoulders rose as he bristled. "How dare she accuse me-!"

He wanted to put the rude peasant girl right in her place! However, his uncle did not even grant him that opportunity. Iroh put his hand on Zuko's shoulder, not needing a firm grip to hold the boy back. Zuko huffed and puffed beneath his grip.

"She needs her space, Prince Zuko." He explained calmly. "Remember what we spoke of. Use this chance to show her why she doesn't have to be so scared, instead of trying to force her to obey. You know you cannot command a storm to settle. You must let it pass naturally."

"I don't have time for vague proverbs, uncle. But fine," Zuko sighed with a stubborn eye roll, "I'll be careful..." The boy frowned and glanced back at the hut, where the object of his frustration was currently getting them all tea.

"Great!" Iroh clapped his hands, his weak and injured act forgotten in an instant. "That means that we can finally get on with today's lesson. I want to teach you something that I've never told you about before... It's time to resume your training."

A/N: I love this side of Iroh :)

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