Chapter 19; Don't Look At Me That Way

Start from the beginning

"It's barely been an hour since I've seen you," I laugh.

Draco grabs my chin to make me look at him. My face flushes completely, my skin as red as roses.

"Can I not miss you within an hour?" He says this in the harshest tone that does not match the major loving eyes he's giving me.

He lets go of my chin and I immediately look at the ground. Wow. He does have some sort of power I swear.

"Well yeah uh I just didn't think-" I say stumbling through my words.

"You didn't think what Northcott?" His eyes narrow on me as I try to keep up with his ever-changing emotions.

"Well that I was all that important to you, to be honest," I let my head fall down again and my eyes resume their search across the ground for anything but Draco's gaze.

He stays silent at this and my mind rushes with all the things I've said wrong. Does he think I think we're a thing now? Does he hate me? Does he want me?

Draco's lips softly touch mine to the surprise of many onlookers. He pulls back simply and quickly and we continue our walk towards the Spintwitches Sporting Needs. My face has got to be red as a tomato, a million thoughts rushing through my mind.

When we finally make it to the store after what seems like the longest walk of my life. We step in and I look over at Draco, wondering if the question is appropriate. I ask anyways.

"I've got to get something for Cedric, do you know what a quidditch player who's not playing this year would want?" Begging him with my eyes for an answer.

"Hm, maybe a book about quidditch? I'm not sure the sporting goods store is a good place to check. Have you thought about a plant? Isn't Hufflepuff like one with the earth or something?" Draco says casually.

I slap my hand to my forehead. Duh. Am I stupid? Or did I just think Neville was the only person at Hogwarts that liked plants? Draco's cracking up and I'm feeling stupider than a bag of rocks. God.

I actually find a book on a shelf near the back. I quickly pay it, Quidditch Maneuvers and Various Other Topics.

I tug Draco, who's still laughing, all the way back over to the little plant store.

I walk in and pay attention to the actual inventory. I see vines coming down the wall that spelled short words. The shopkeeper comes over.

"What can I find for you dearie?" She asks sweetly.

"Oh I'm looking for a birthday present for a close friend," I take another look around, seeing a flower that blooms only when you look at it.

"What's your price range?" She starts to rummage around.

"High as you'd like," I smile.

She pulls out a little cactus that gives me a little wave with its hand. It's got little button eyes and a tiny little mouth. Cute!

"This one waves, can learn names, and is very low maintenance," She looks at it lovingly.

"I'll take it!"

Low maintenance and adorable? Cedric will love it.

The shopkeeper walks towards the cashier to ring me up.

"Oh would you like a plant starter kit? Just a few essentials like a watering guide, watering pot, and good soil, etc," She sets down the tiny plant next to the register.

"That sounds lovely thank you," She smiles at me and grabs the kit that comes in an adorable box.

She puts the plant and the box in a brown paper bag and types in my total.

"That'll be 56 galleons," She smiles at me again.

Mother will love this. Just as this thought is crossing my mind as I pull out my mother's checkbook, Draco's pulls out his.

I swat his hand down and give him a harsh look. Does he think I'm poor? My ego is honestly damaged. What the hell?

I quickly fill out the check for the woman and take the bag from her hand. I thank her quickly and walk out quickly, not caring if Draco follows.

"Allison!" He shouts as he steps foot outside the shop.

"Draco! What the hell?" I turn around, anger radiating off me.

"Oh I'm the bad guy? For trying to help you out?" Draco takes the defensive, not backing down.

"Your pity is not something I need right now," I break eye contact with him and start heading towards the rendezvous point to leave.

God, why did I cry in front of him? This entire public thing is probably just to comfort me. I want something genuine, not something rooted in pity.

I feel a hand wrap around my arm. He spins me so I'm facing him.

I refuse to meet his eyes.

"Look at me. Allison." I defiantly look up.

"I don't pity you, you know I have money to spare and money on top of that to spare. I just wanted to help, seriously. It had nothing to do with your um situation," Draco stutters and breaks eye contact.

He could definitely be lying. But I'll give him the benefit of the doubt because I would hate to be mad at him when all I want is him.

Draco slips his hand in mine and walks with me to find Flitwick and everyone else.

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