Wedding in Asgard

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They had arrived in Asgard a couple of days by now, Diane had been quite nervous about meeting Loki's parents but Frigga had been nothing but welcoming to her and although Odin was rather reserved at first he had fallen in-love with his new-to-be granddaughter Samantha. And in return Samantha was delighted to have someone to call grandfather, the fact that he could do magic as Loki was only the cherries in the pie.

-I envy you brother-Thor said to Loki

-Why, brother? You have Jane; you could marry her if you wanted to. I'm sure father would object at first but at the end he would accept it-

-I know he would, but even if Jane and I decided to go ahead with it the weight of the crown will always be on my back-Thor confessed

-Yes, that's true Thor. You are becoming wiser-

-Not as wise as our Father, though I hope to be at someday-

-Cheer up brother, even if I'm officially death you can always count with me-Loki said as he placed his arm around Thor shoulders —Now come with me to the bath house, we have a cleansing ritual to perform-

-All right brother-Thor answered with a grin

The ceremony was to take place in the feast hall; a small number of guests were included, the list of the people that knew Loki was still alive was very exclusive.  When Frigga first told Loki that the Warriors Three and Lady Sif had been included in the wedding party he almost had a fit, he wasn't at all keen on the idea but her mother reassured him that they had no ill wills against him anymore-Through loyalty and magic they had pledge to keep the secret, don't worry son. I've thought of everything.-He knew she most certainly had thought of everything but still escaped his grasp why had she included them.

Odin would be officiating the ceremony, all preparations had been made, the dowry accorded.

Frigga had insisted that Diane would wear her Bridal Crown, though Diane had pleaded not to —You will become my daughter, I have no one else to pass it to but you and you at your time will pass it to Samantha. It's a family heirloom, it should stay in the family- she had finally accepted, she was becoming and Asgardian princess now, she should learn to play her role.

One evening Frigga found Loki lost in his thoughts as he saw Diane and Samantha play in the gardens. —You love her very much son-Frigga said startling him

-Yes, I do mother. I think of every moment I spent with her precious as they are numbered-he sadly replied

-Oh, my son, don't tell me you have forgotten about the golden apples of Idunn-she replied tenderly

He had, he was so stupid-Oh, mother, you keep banishing my fears away. I hesitated about marrying her due the pain of losing her on account of our very different lifespans. You have made me incredible joyous by reminding me of the immortality properties of the Idunn golden apples- he kissed her cheek as he run towards Diane to convince her to share an even longer life at his side and Samantha's.

The wedding day had arrived, Diane was wearing the bridal gown Frigga had given to her, it was white with beautiful embroidery fit for a queen she had told her, a veil that covered her light brown hair. Loki's groom gown was as exquisite as hers golden embroidery that stood out on the green fabric.

Odin had given Loki Bor's ancestral sword for the wedding; he tried to refuse it saying that he should keep it for Thor's wedding but Odin wouldn't hear of it. -You are my son and I will do with my father's ancestral sword what I decide, and you will accept it- he had no choice he didn't wished to anger him besides he wouldn't say it but he heart fully appreciated his gesture.

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