Untitled Part 2

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The door to the suite banged open as Psymon strolled in, unzipping his jacket and tossing it aside. It was well past midnight and the hotel suite was dark; Tane was most likely asleep. That was going to have to change. Psymon locked the door and also did the chain latch. He moved through the kitchen, getting a beer from the fridge before heading towards the bedroom. The night had been spent helping Vaalroy getting rid of some evidence of his other job. Psymon raised an eyebrow to see a light on under the door to the bedroom. He took a long swig of the beer before pushing the door open quietly. As much as he would have preferred to knock down the door and lay ruin to Tane across that bed, he could pretty much assume the Fijian wasn't going to be in the best of moods. He might have been cute and teasing of Psymon's 'date' with Vaal but Psymon knew how jealous Tane got over his so-called crush on the Russian. Yeah, so..most of the night might have involved him imagining the Russian bending him over anything he could imagine but it's not like it actually happened. Tane lounged on the bed, propping himself against a pair of pillows and dressed only in a pair of boxers—Psymon's, and a loose tanktop. He was watching something on TV but Psymon didn't know what, he was too busy running his eyes up the man's dark legs. He closed the door behind him and pulled off his boots. Tane didn't even glance in his direction. Psymon shrugged as he moved to the edge of the bed, stripping down to only his boxers; Tane's eyes drifted over as he had removed his shirt but shot back to the TV almost immediately. The Canadian climbed onto the bed with a grin. He curled against Tane, kissing at his bare arm as his hands ran up his thighs. Tane fidgeted slightly before shoving Psymon away.

"Dude." His voice was still. "Don't even." Tane gave Psymon a cold stare before turning back to the screen. Psymon let out a sigh and relaxed next to the younger man, slinging one of his legs over Tane's thigh. "Not kidding." The surfer responded, shaking Psymon off once more.

"Still mad, huh?" Psymon grumbled. "This must be a new record for you.." He slid off his bandanna and slung it in the general direction of the nightstand. He returned his attention back to Tane, determined to get back on his good side. He slid his fingers under the waistband of the boxers, wiggling them over Tane's hips. "If you're so mad at me..why are you stealing my clothes?" Psymon grinned as Tane shifted against the touch, trying to not smile but obviously tickled.

"Because I like having you around!" He swatted Psymon's hand away as his smile finally snapped back into place. "Not cool man." It was hurt that shifted across Tane's face this time. "I put up with a lot from you..but watching you run out after another guy is where I draw the line.." He shifted against his mound of pillows before turning back towards the TV. Psymon slumped against Tane, resting his nose against his shoulder. He was quiet for a moment.

"I'm sorry..." He let out a sigh. "You ruined it anyway.." Psymon touched gently at Tane's hair, brushing a few loose strands from his face. Tane's eyes flicked towards him but he didn't move. "I thought of you all night." Psymon let his hand slide down the back of Tane's head.

"Oh really?" Tane smacked his hand away. "So..you're being turned on right now has nothing to do spending the last hour or two with a sexy Russian that you've had no problem eye fucking without a second thought towards me? You're not just trying to make me un-mad at you so you can get laid?" The Fijian raised a brow as Psymon let out a soft groan.

"Jesus..of all people, I figured you'd be the farthest from insecure. How many times do I have to tell you I don't want to ACTUALLY fuck him? Whatever happened to our 'it's okay to look as long as we don't touch' agreement?" He glanced over to Tane who only looked away. "Or is it only alright for you to eye-fuck Mac and Ty?" Psymon sat up, looking over at Tane. "Between the two of us..who's the most likely to realize that they can get much better and bail out of this? Look at me." He motioned between the two of them. "You're about the best I am ever going to get." Psymon shrugged as Tane turned off the TV before facing him.

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