"Wait...What do you mean a 'rotting bitch'?" He asked me. Clearly he didn't know what I was talking about so I had to tell him in Spanish.

"Perra podrida."("Rotting bitch") I said with a chuckle. He smiled and still looked confused. Warren came over to me and spoke to dad.

"She wouldn't kill herself don't worry. She is our team's daredevil. She is the most bravest and stupidest person on this team." She smiled at me and I dramatically placed a hand over my heart and made a shocked face. Dad rolled his eyes and added a comment.

"And the most dramatic one." I smiled at that and winked at him. He smiled a sweet smile at me. I knew that he saw his little girl in me but guess what. That kid is long lost. The person I'm now is nowhere as nice as I used to be.

"What were you doing there...hanging...from the tree anyway?" Doc asked me. I grinned at him and explained everything. At the end of the story dad's mouth was hanging open.

"Close it or a crow will make it's nest in it." I said as I chuckled and went to walk back to the car.

"Told you. Daredevil." Warren said to him and followed right after me. Soon enough everyone was back at the car.

"Alright let's go meet the people yall saved while I was being 'suicidal'." I laughed as I followed the team that were now heading towards the truck. 10k was walking next to me and he reached for my hand. I allowed him to take it and he intertwined our fingers. I looked at him and he smiled.

I smiled right back and we kept walking until we reached the truck. I held a hand on the handle of my machete ready to pull it out and slay in case anything goes downhill. A man approached Warren and dad so me, 10k and Doc walked off to let them speak. So did Murphy and Cass. They went to sit in the shadow.

I got bored of sitting so I turned to face 10k. He was sitting on a metal part of the truck so I stood between his legs. His hands rested on my waist and his eyes were trained to mines. I smiled at him and he gladly returned the smile.

I leaned in to kiss him and so did he. After a moment of kissing we stopped to breathe air. I heard Doc clear his throat.

"Man! I'm still here and eating! Go get some privacy. Dang." He said which made me and 10k chuckle. I took one of his hands from my his and pulled him up from his seat. We both walked around for a while and found a quiet spot. Before I could turn around to look at him he turned me around and pulled me into a passionate kiss. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. Soon enough his kiss turned to be filled full with lust. He let go of my wrists he was holding and placed one of his hands on my lower back. His other hand went to tangle in my short hair.

One of my hands were tangled in his black hair too and the other was placed on his chest. He pulled away to breathe in some air and before we could continue a voice yelled.

"10k! Kai! Enough sharing germs. We got a job." Warren yelled as she was looking for us. I groaned and rested my head against his chest.

"Can nothing interrupt us for once?" I groaned as Warren was now a couple of feet away from us. Dad was right behind her and sparing me and 10k an angry look. I sighed and pulled away from him. He sighed and we both walked up to Warren and dad.

"Diego can I talk to you?" Dad asked me. I sighed and nodded. He took my wrist and pulled me away from everyone.

(Bold is used for Xavier and italics is used for Kai since I'm too lazy to write who says what)

"What happened back there?"

"Nothing. We didn't get to do anything because Warren interrupted us."

"Well are you guys being safe at least?"

"Like I said we haven't gotten a chance. Always something or someone manages to interrupt us."

"Well that's good. I don't want you to woo anyone you see."

"Dad I love 10k. And I'm not 'wooing' anyone I see!"

"Well just be careful. I don't want to see you hurt or anything."

"I will. Don't worry. By the way what's up with you and Warren?"

"None of your concern. Now go before Warren comes and pulls you away by your ear."

"Yeah yeah right."

I wiggled my eyebrows and nudged his shoulder at the last sentence. His face turned slightly pink and it made me laugh more.

"Kai! Don't make me come and get you!" Warren yelled and my smile dropped. I hugged dad quickly and ran over to Warren. 10k was already by her side and ready to go. As we all went over to help Warren explained what we will have to do. All we had to do was flip a car over and bring it back here. It was a simple task so it should be easy.

As we went to the car me and 10k chatted.

"Y'know I really hate that everyone interrupt us." He said as he steadied himself to help flip the car over. There were three other guys with us so it was no problem.

"Yeah. My dad even got cranky about us doing...things." I said the last part a bit embarrassed as the three other guys could easily overhear our conversation.

"Well next time I guess we just gotta hide better." He said as he winked at me and all of them flipped the car over. I was just standing there 'guarding' them all. One of the guys gave me a look that was filled with lust?

"Hey what you looking at?" I said to him and he just smirked. I rolled my eyes and turned back to the conversation me and 10k had. As we headed back to the truck the same guy slapped my ass.

"That's it. That was the last drop!" I yelled as I turned around and landed a punch to his nose. It made a satisfying crunch and he fell to the ground. The other two guys ran to help their friend up and I shot them all a glare.

"The next who looks at me like that or tries anything will be dead. Understood?" I yelled in their faces and they all nodded in fear. Doc, Warren, dad and Addy ran over to see what all the fuss was about. I quickly calmed down and turned to walk away. I brushed past anyone and went to sit in one of the cars.

Murphy was in it with some guy and they were smoking something. I sighed and went to look for a different car. I found one and I got in the driver's seat. I closed the door after myself and slumped against the steering wheel. I let out a loud sigh and closed my eyes.

I was pulled out of my thoughts as someone knocked on the window. I looked up and it was 10k. I rolled down the window and looked in his eyes.

"You okay? That was one hell of a punch there." He said and chuckled. I just shook my head and looked away from his eyes. My gaze fell onto my knuckles. They were a bit bloody and sore.

"Can I join you?" 10k asked and I nodded. He walked over to the front passenger seat and got in. He looked at me and smiled sweetly.

"Y'know I love you Tommy." I said to him and his smile twitched a bit.

Kai / 10k fanfic / ZnationWhere stories live. Discover now