Picture of You

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A/N: Akame story not kinda AU, more like past life thing throwed in with some historical shit.

And the pic i will upload is kinda how i got the idea to write all of this and of course my addiction to 1582 and history itself.

and the songs I used to push this fic forward, it was fun to wirte and an experience.

The Song List you'll find at the last chapter of this fanfic

Plot: Past, life a void memory that Kazuya only thought was a dream, but what if?


All of my memories

Keep you near

In silent moments

Imagine you'd be here

All of my memories

Keep you near

The silent whispers, silent tears

‘Plunging inside a memory, a memory that seemed far away, I want to reach it out and grasp it to grasp a hold on that bittersweet reality that I want to hold onto in my palm and carry forever’



Koki kneels beside his fallen friend with a frantic look in his eyes as Yuichi lays his palm upon the slightly burning forehead.


A groan came from those thin lips as eyes flutters open and Junno gets the cue, so he rush off to snatch a water bottle.

“What happen?” Koki’s voice filled with concern as he had that look in his eyes, searching after an answer.

“If I knew, I’ve given the answer…” Kazuya huffs a bit annoyed with himself as he apparently had found the floor in a middle of a rehearsal made it more real know, it felt like plunging out of a dream and having his concerning friends over him, made him doubt that this was a dream, he had fainted before, finding him naked like a born baby in the bathroom and he thought that was a dream. But know he grasp the reality. The reality swarms back and slowly came to focus once again and hands help him and the world stop spinning.

“So?” Koki frantic look was still there, still waiting for an answer.

“I don’t know what happen until I saw the world dance before me…”

Kame accepted the water bottle with gratitude as he felt a bit ridicules and he laughed inwardly that he had managed to faint in this chosen moment of all places in the world.

“Go home and get some sleep…” Yuichi told him, like a worried father and his worried eyes made Kame cringe inside.

“You think that will help?”

“At this moment, yes and eat food…”

Kazuya chuckles, sure his schedule was fucked up, Dream Boys was starting tomorrow the last preparation was going to be held later this evening, and his so called band mates wanted him in bed sleeping.

“Come on Kame-chan I’ll drive you home…” Koki tells him softly.

“I’m fine…” Kazuya pouts like a child that got send home to sit in the corner.

“For once listen to your body…” Yuichi growls and Ueda, who seemed quiet nodded, his face was passive but of course he was worried, but he didn’t want to panic it was enough with two frantic persons in the room.

Kazuya gave up still pouting given his pouty look and Koki chuckles as he ruffles his hair.

“I’m fine…” He gave in when he felt Koki lift him up carefully and starts to drag him along like a scolding brother. He gave up pointless to fight his concerning band members.

“A bed is all you will concern yourself with now, and food, real food, when was the last time you slept Kazuya?”

Kazuya chuckled inwardly, he had lived on less sleep but not with a fatigue on that, well there was once, during his junior years but this was now, not then and having scolding band mates at your heels made him give in, and he founds his butt perched in the car and Koki’s worried eyes still gazing at him as he drove away from the parking loot and Kazuya can’t seemed to hold his eyes open and lets his lids shut for just a second, reality became a dream.

Koki had dropped him off with scolding eyes, bribing him to sleep and Kazuya had just mumbled out a simply ‘I’m fine’ and left a trouble Koki behind that seemed to fight against how own inner demons to not fallow the baby to nurse him back to reality, which seemed impossible. Koki cursed inwardly as he drove away and a number of concerning messages from the agency and Yuichi, he had dropped the youngest one off but it was still work to be done. Praying out his concerning thoughts of Kame he had work to focus on, and a red light seemed like a bad luck so he stopped as he drums his fingers against the steering wheel, he sighs.

Kazuya takes a relaxing bath, trying to empty his mind that did seemed to be faraway, in a place he couldn’t reach – like a unknown journey and the sound of his phone buzzing in the distance and he seemed to not even care as he closed his eyes, just enjoying this minute of peace. He wakes up by the phone ringing in the living room signing he had to leave the comforting water as he sees the name flash on the screen and he smiled a bit as he answers.

“I’m fine~”       

“I hope you are, but your friends didn’t seem so convenient…”

Kame chuckled.

“I’ll be at work tomorrow, don’t worry…”

“Good, then I don’t need to call an ambulance, and be careful this evening, I don’t want the news that you fainted.” A soft chuckle was heard and Kazuya smiled as he felt a bit contend hearing his managers concerning voice.

“Get some sleep before you’re dragged off to god knows where…” 

Kazuya scrolls through his messages and stops when he read one from Koki, ‘I hope for your sake that you are sleeping!’

And another that made his stomach warm.

“Call me~”

Even in these hectic hours the situation had reached half way across the world.

Together in all these memories

I see your smile

All the memories I hold dear

Darling you know I love you till the end of time

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