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—· · · · ⋆꒷꒦‧₊˚𓆩♡𓆪˚₊‧꒦꒷⋆ · · · ·—
| ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ 18 |


Douma cried out as he shook my shoulders, I simply shook my head, much to his disappointment, "Heh?! Maybe I'm not the teacher I thought I could be."

Douma let himself fall into my body as Akaza sent him a glare, seemingly knowing what he was trying to do.

Douma reminded me of Zenitsu, so I simply just let him hold me in hopes his emotions didn't burst and avoid the sobbing lecture that had somehow nothing but everything to do with me.

"Have you tried reading books?" Akaza asked as I pondered about his question.

"That hadn't come to mind...I don't really have access to any either," shrugging as I patted Doumas back in reassurance, though I think if anything I should be the one in his state.

"I know!" Douma yelled triumphantly as he jumped up, scarring the other two, "We should go to the entertainment district."

"Huh?! You know who's there don't you?" Akaza scolded the taller demon as he only shrugged.

"Of course I do, I'm practically their creator," Douma rolled his eyes and sassily crossed his arms, "Plus, we're not going there for them."

"Then what for."

"For Y/n of course!" Douma exclaimed with a grin as Akaza looked at him dumbfounded he sent a worried glance at me.

"I'm sure she's not really into that kind of thing..."

"No you perverted hunk, we're going to help her. Just think of how many people are there. If she can read auras, we'll be able to teach her love, affection, jealousy, lust, everything in the books!" Douma took my hand and dragged me onto my feet, twirling me around.

"Whoa," I stumbled as tried to regain my balance after Douma let go of my hand, "I do...like the idea of you guys helping me out, but it's sunny out today, and I was planning on going home today..."

"Come on Y/n," Douma dragged out my name, "We could just chill in here for a bit and when the sun sets we can race to the entertainment district! You don't have to be there forever either, it won't take me long to get you back home."


I'm already going to be in trouble with leaving Muichiro so suddenly...

And come to think of it I haven't told anyone I was staying at Muichiros...

I'm gonna hear it when I get back.

"Alright, I'm already in deep shit now," I sighed, a shocked look appearing on the demons' faces as I gave them a confused look, "Is something the matter."

"No no, just didn't think you were a curser," Douma giggled as I just brushed it off.

"Well the sun should set in about five hours, so till then."

ਏਓ 。 ゚

"It's so bright," I flinched at the bright lights as I squeezed through the crowd as Douma happily strutted ahead of me, "Where is Akaza?"

"We had to leave him behind because all of his tattoos, would put us into some trouble," Douma explained to me, still looking around the crowd, "He'll be watching over us for now."

"I see—ouch," I grunted as a bulky man bumped into me as he passed by, causing me to stumble back slightly. Looking back up, Douma was nowhere in sight, only crowds of people swarmed around me as I was pushed left and right, ending upright in the middle of things.

I started to feel anxious as people swarmed me, seemingly there was no way out and I wish that Douma would just swoop me up.

"Are you alright miss?" An elegant deep voice spike behind me as I felt a hand being placed on my shoulder.

Turning around I looked up to be met with the most unique plum red eyes with cat-like pupils. The man's pale skin was illuminated by the bright lights of the district as he kept his hand on my shoulder. People now seemed to avoid us as no one else dared to bump into me.

"Do I know you?" I asked, the man smiled as his eyes shown with interest. I couldn't put my finger on it but I felt a sense of familiarity with him.

"I sincerely doubt it," his deep voice chuckled as I seemed allured by it, "Now follow me, I'll bring you to someone I know until your friend comes back."

"Really? Thank you..." I murmured as I eyed his hand which clasped mine.

Noticing my stare the man spoke again, "I don't want to lose you..."

"I understand," I nodded my head as he pulled me through the crowd. I kept my head down and my eyes on our joined hands.

Who is he.

"Here we are," he stopped in front of a large building as he walked in, causing all the women's heads to turn, "Pardon my intrusion, is Daki available right now?"

"Depends on who's asking, sir," a woman who looked very much in charge sneered at him, but that didn't faze the man.

"Just describe my appearance to her, she will surely know," he kept his same smile as the woman rolled her eyes, walking down one of the hallways to presumably get Daki.

"You don't have to hold my hand anymore, I'm sure I won't get lost now..."

"Oh right, of course," his expression faltered for a second as he let go of my hand, I only sent him a nod in thanks.

"Sir, you called?" A new voice entered as my eyes met the most gorgeous woman I had ever seen, a slight gasp escaped my lips as I gazed at her appearance.

This is his friend?

"Ah yes Daki, let us talk in your room," the man requested as she simply nodded, turning on her heels, "Come Y/n."

"Aright," I managed to speak as I filled after the two, I didn't feel comfortable in her presence and...

How does he know my name.

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