
48 3 2

“Kame, please sit down take a breather…” Koki calls after him, when Kame decided that they needed more drinks.

Yamapi chuckles as he elbows Tanaka-san in his side.

“Spoilsport…” He mumbles.


“Let him be, I haven’t seen him this happy in a long time, he might overdo it a bit, but for once I don’t care. Just take a look on his face.

“Blame him on the part then…” Koki chuckled.

“Then I must say you succeeded very well…”

“Yea just too bad our turtle can’t drink anything, so Pi enjoying yourself?” Jin calls over the music stumbling between Yuichi and Ueda and somehow swung past Kame that was delivering drinks everywhere.

“I’m having fun, and your boyfriends drinks are wonderful…” Jin chuckled as he slumbers down beside them.

“Of course he worked in a bar remember…” He giggles.

“Baka, don’t overdo it, though your boyfriend will take care of your drunken state…” Yamapi chuckled.

“Mou, what would that mean?” Jin pouts.

“You know what I mean.” Pi smiled.

Jin huffed and soon did his view get blocked and a pair of brown eyes gazed into his.

“Missed me?” The voice purred as a lithe body curled up on a lap. Jin chuckled as he attacked those lips and hearing that slightly slutty moan made him groan.

“Oi you two, get a room…” Ryo called out.

“Now you know what I mean…” Yamapi said teasingly.

“Having fun?” Jin asked Kame when he maneuvered the kiss turning it slightly deeper as he nibbled on the under lip. 

“Mhm…” Kame answers giving Jin a smirk.

“Well maybe that room sounds good…” Jin whispers against an ear as he bit down in the lobe and a shiver wracked his body when he felt fingers cares down his side.

“Maybe…” Kame makes goose pumps on Jin’s skin letting his nails coarse over the skin ghostly before he draws away. Standing up again letting his lips linger on Jin’s lips ghostly a couple of seconds before he escapes.

“Have fun…”

Jin pouts his heart still hammering and his jeans uncomfortable tight and his snickering friends don’t help his mood at all.

“You definitely have someone who has met your standard…” Ryo chuckled raising his beer as a salute

“Shut up!”  

“Well he’s something, don’t let him go…” Yamapi told him.

“I Promise…”

He was something alright, his light. His knight.  

“Kame I love you!”

And Jin wonder why everyone lay on the floor laughing and a flushed turtle still stands in the middle of the apartment.

 Let’s chase the future together. The bonds connected the red thread of fate laid out in an open palm. ‘Love’ a scary word pronounced in this universe, small steps were all that was needed.  

A/N You've reached the end of Sky Fall Down series!

Arigatou minna for sticking with me *bows*

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