new friend?

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Reader pov

I was at a restaurant with my family after getting my glasses done..

While we were eating a good looking boy came along with his family..

He had fluffy hair and was pretty tall..

He also seemed well mannered

He also fitted all my type

But I didn't think much about it since there's no way we would talk or even exchange Instagram

So I just shrugged it off and went to the toliet before heading home

After a while I came out and while walking back to my table

H/n came up to me and asked

H/n: hey, um we never met before but I was wondering if we could exchange our Instagram?

Y/n : uh sure..

He passed me the phone and I typed in my insta

H/n : thanks! I hope to talk with u soon..

Y/n: u too

I was about to walk back and he said

H/n: btw u look good with glasses

I smiled since it was my first time getting glasses

We both started talking on Insta a lot

I shared about how my school life was and sometimes he would help me with my school work

As we got closer, we would have face time calls to do work together or just talk

I felt really comfortable around him

But what I didn't know was, I was slowly developing feelings for h/n

I didn't notice until one day

On facetime call

I noticed that h/n was looking on his phone more and smiling a lot

I decided to ask eventhough I have a feeling that he met someone he liked

Y/n: hey h/n

H/n: yeah?

Y/n: u had been smiling a lot... what's up?

H/n's POV

I honestly like y/n since I first saw her

So I decided to play a little trick and pretend that I was chasing someone to get her attention

And well it work, the feeling of jealousy was written on y/n's face but I could see that she was trying to hide it

I decided to stop and just show her my blank note app screen

She was blank for a moment so I laughed

H/n : I wasn't texting anyone dummy

Y/n: u weren't?

She looked relief

H/n: of course I wasn't, I only have eyes for my beautiful, beautiful y/n

She was shocked then she blushed

she blushed so hard that she lost her balance and fell off

I laughed

H/n: u okay my love?

Y/n: stop it, omg

H/n: nahh I love making my baby elephant blush

Author pov

They both went on like this, and they ended the day with happiness


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