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it's been exactly a month since everything has went down. currently zayn and hary were in la shooting for the music video as promised.

zain stood right beside his girlfriend as they put makeup on her to get her ready for the final part of the video.

she wasn't use to any of this. but she was really glad that she had zain right beside her along with her mom to keep her calm.

"you look beautiful baby." anne states to her daughter.

"thanks mum. im so nervous though. this music video comes out next week and i don't know how anyone's gonna react."

"im sure it'll be fine."

harry sighs. she was still pissed at how everything went down. but she had zain, her parents, her brother and niall to keep her calm. she didn't know what she'd do if it wasn't for them.

"thanks for being here mum. means a lot."

"of course honey. you know ill drop anything for you."

"i know. it's why i love you so much."

"love you too darling."

"is everything ready?"

"yeah. ready to finish this love?"

harry nods. the two walked over to the camera to finish up the music video.
when the couple gets back to new york they finally relaxed. they chilled at home and cuddled.

harry was still a bit nervous about everything. she didn't know what the outcome was gonna be but she hoped that it was mostly good.

"stop worrying love. everything is gonna be fine. i promise."

harry just gives him a smile. she cuddles up to her boyfriend even closer.

"i know. i got you. that's all that matters."
a short little filler before everything comes together.

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