━━ twenty five

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اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.


❝ happy birthday ❞



JULY 27 2008

𝐎𝐍𝐄 𝐌𝐎𝐍𝐓𝐇 𝐀𝐍𝐃 26 days of waiting was all useless.

No matter how hard she tries to force her father to look for Izana,he won't allow her.

"Uncle Ran." Y/N called the male who's about to put on his cat apron

"Oh you're awake!! Happy birthday darling, you've grown so much." He greeted and kiss the girl's forehead

"Stop it you old hag!" She blushed in embarrassment,the girl received a laugh from the dual haired male and a warm hug from him

"We should get you ready, we're gonna spend your birthday in a restaurant." Ran smiled

"Uncle Ran... Can I ask a favor?" She asked

"What is it?" He looked at the girl with his eyebrows raised in confusion

"Can we just spend my birthday in the house? Just us." She smiled slightly

It wasn't the best idea but she wants her birthday to be memorable,just them.

It's not like celebration in the restaurant isn't memorable but she wants to spend time with them like how family does.

You know like,baking a cake, singing a happy birthday for her,blowing the candle of the cake then wishing,and lastly opening gifts.

She turn her head to the to the familiar voice,her lips forming a smile as soon as she saw her father who's still in his pajamas

His hair was messy,he don't have a shirt on revealing a big tattoo on his right side

"Morning my love." Rindou greeted and rub his eyes

"Morning pa." She greeted back

Rindou enter their bathroom and begun to wash his face,the girl followed him and just stand beside him making him confused

"Is there something wrong?" He asked

"I'm sure you forgot something." She pout

"I don't remember..." Rindou closed his eyes and attempt to remember what Y/N told him

"Papa! I know you know!" She whined

"I can't remember." He shrugged his shoulders and exit the bathroom leaving the girl with her annoyed expression

The girl walk to their living room with an angry pout painted in on her face making Rai laugh

"Happy birthday!!" Rai beamed and hug her out of a sudden

"Be careful you idiot!" She scolded the boy,Rai noticed his cousin's annoyed face and decided to pull back.

Rindou sat beside her and change the TV channel

"I was watching!" She clicked her tongue at her father who chuckle in reply

Rindou knows what he's doing, he's pretty sure it's alright to annoy Y/N..

Rindou planned this yesterday,he'll see if he can make the little girl cry.

Dumb plan of him about forgetting his own daughter's birthday.

"You didn't even greet me happy birthday now you stole the remote out of my hands?" She mumble in annoyance,she glare at Rindou's side profile and scoff

"Annoying,I hope you go to hell." She rolled her eyes

She stand up and walk to the kitchen to look for her uncle Ran,there she saw Ran trying to bake

"I wanna try to bake uncle!" She smile widely making Ran startled at the sudden voice

Back then,Ran was always into fighting and partying, enjoying the years of being teenagers.

But here he is now,an official single father and trying to bake a freaking cake that wasn't even part of his plan. But since Y/N wanted a home made cake,he agreed.


"Rindou stop that angry expression of yours and help me arrange the plates!" Ran scold his younger brother

Y/N laugh because she already found out why her father was pretending that he doesn't remember her own birthday

"Father won't be able to attend since he's busy,but he wished you a great day and happy birthday." Rindou pat her head

The four sat together and took out the cake that Ran and Y/N did together,it was a chocolate cake with melted chocolate coating and toppings on it.

It was decorated in a messy style but Y/N was proud at it.

She smile happily as the three sang her a happy birthday

"Happy birthday Y/N!!" They all shout in sync and clap their hands

"Don't forget to blow your cake!!" Rai reminded her

"Make a wish Y/N." Rindou smile warmly at his daughter

'my wish is that papa,Rai,uncle and grandpa will stay by my side forever! And zana will comeback soon enough." She prayed quietly,soon enough the girl blew the candle of her cake as the other clap their hands

"It's time to eat!!" She giggled at Rai and decided to eat her food before it gets cold

"What did you wished for Y/N?" Ran asked while chewing his food

"It's a secret father! Her wish won't come true if she tells it!" Rai said and shake his head at his father

She's not the type of person who will ask for something big, she's enough with attention,love,and care.

As the only female in a well-known family,they are over protective to her to the point she doesn't even have friends.

Even if she doesn't have a mother or someone who's willing to stood as her mother figure, she's thankful she have a father who always reminds her that even if she doesn't have a mother, atleast she have a father who's willing to be a mother and father figure for her at the same time.

Even if something is still missing, she's happy on what she have right now.

"This is my gift for you." Rindou handed her his gift

"Thank you papa." She smile and hug the guy who hugged her back

She tear the wrapper off quickly while Rai was patiently waiting for the gift revelation

"It's a book!" Her eyes lit up at the sight of book

It's a fancy looking book

"She can't read yet Rindou! She haven't even started her school yet!" Ran sigh

"I didn't said that she should read it now! Of course once she finally learned how to read." Rindou roll his eyes at his brother's scolding

"What does it says?" Y/N asked Rai who's beside her

"It says bitter-sweet love" Rai answer his cousin who nod as a reply

"I wonder what's the plot of this story..." Rai said to himself


I'm running out of ideas ༎ຶ‿༎ຶ
The chapters are getting dry y'all


𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ; H. Rindouحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن