━━ 01

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Waiting patiently for the new born baby to arrive, Rindou fiddle with his fingers out of nervousness.

"It's okay, it's not like you are going to get eaten alive." Ran joked at his younger brother who rolled his violet eyes

"Shut up, the girl I got pregnant is fucking annoying to handle." Rindou muttered

"Am I getting my new cousin?" A boy with blonde hair asked

"Rai, are you excited?" Ran asked his son who giggled in response

Rindou doesn't even know what gender is his baby

He always gives the girl money to have monthly check up, but he never came to check up on her nor his baby.

He's too busy being a delinquent, plus his father have high expectations for him.

"Sir, are you sure you don't want to come inside-" Rindou cut the doctor off by clicking his tounge.

"I don't want to, I'm just here for the baby not for the mother." He said in annoyance making the doctor nod in understand

"You can't even handle to see a woman giving birth to a baby, you might faint out of nervousness." Ran said

"I just want to have the baby and get out of here, what's taking them so long?!" Rindou said

"Well baby-daddy, she's still giving birth to a child! she's pushing a fucking child out of her vagina." Ran reminded his brother

Unlike Rindou, he doesn't care whether the mother of his child suffer or not.

Meanwhile Ran took care of the mother until she's fully recovered, the woman still haven't give up on Ran though.

No matter how many times he said that he only wanted a heir, the woman did not gave up being obsessed with him, it scares him sometimes to be honest.

Ran is a gentleman but you can't say the same thing to his younger brother. Especially that he's still a teen without a proper experience of the reality of being a father.

"I just hope that it's a male." Rindou said, Ran stare at his brother for a while before saying, "Yeah, I hope so. Father might kill us if it's a girl..." Ran said.

Their father have always believed that having a male child or male grandchildren is very lucky. It's because he always thinks that a men can always handle a business while women can't.

He always thinks that women are just for the kitchen or bed. Never in his life did he looked up to a woman except to their mother which is a dumb reason.

"What's the gender of the baby?" Rindou asked the doctor, who just finished came out of the operation room.

"Umm.. You don't know the gender of your own baby?" The doctor asked in disbelief, who doesn't know their child's gender.

"Just say it." Rindou sighed

"A girl." That's when Rindou's world stopped for a moment not until Ran asked again.

"A girl? you mean those who have vaginas right?" Ran asked as the doctor deadpan at the question and excuse themselves.

"Holy fuck, we're dead Rin.." Ran gripped his hair in frustration while Rindou just stood at the same spot for a while before entering the room where his daughter and the girl are staying.


"Rin!! You came!!" The girl beamed and about to stand up when the boy glared her.

"What?.." She touched his hand and looked up to Rindou who's still glaring at her.

"When you got an ultrasound, why didn't you told me that it's a fucking girl?!!" He yelled as the girl cried in fear.

"I don't know how to say it to you! What if you leave me?! I couldn't just allow that! I love you, Rin!" She said, Rindou inched his face close to her and grip both of her cheeks using one hand.

The girl showed fear and resentment at him at the same time. The girl's eyes was fighting for fear and hatred.

"If father found this out, we are dead. I don't care if you love me or not but you have to do something about this." He release her face and sighed.

"What if we just pretend that it's a boy?" Aina asked

"Are you dumb? I don't want that for my fucking daughter." Rindou said


"The gender of it?" Their father asked with his brow raised, "A girl..." Aina answered and lowered her head in shame.

"A what?" Their father asked again making them flinch at their sit. Should've thought about the consequences first before fucking. I guess?

"A girl." Rindou clenched both of his fist while looking at the sleeping baby girl on the bed.

"If I see your face again I'll kill you." Rindou threatened Aina who gulped nervously.

A total cursed child.


𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 𝐈𝐒𝐒𝐔𝐄𝐒 ; H. RindouDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora