🌱Chapter 7🌱

Start from the beginning

"T-ten what do you mean by "one good thing came out of it" what did you get?" Johnny asked a bit breathless and Ten went rigid his eyes widened.
"I-it means nothing!" Ten said and yanked his hand away from Johnny and walked away, his mind clouded and hazy. The thought of Johnny finding out who Mark was making him nervous and soon Ten began to see white spots in his vision and he began to slip into unconsciousness.

"Ten!!!" was the last thing he heard before everything went black.


"He seemed to have fainted due to stress and also he has low energy levels, meaning he didn't eat well today...." Ten heard someone say, he tried opening his eyes but they felt too heavy and instead gave up slipping into darkness once again.

"Papa" Ten saw an image of his son, Mark, running to him his arms opened widely greeting him with a smile on his face, Taeyong, Doyoung and Kun smiling behind him smiling down at them. "Papa you won't ever leave me right?" Mark said his eyes sparkling happily. "No Mark I will never leave you" Ten replied hugging Mark so tightly and smiling feeling warmth radiate from him, Mark softly pushed him away and Ten noticed that his eyes didn't sparkle anymore, he looked sad and his eyes were puffy.
"Then why did you let him take me away!" Mark shouted at him and Ten froze in place, tears started slipping down his eyes. "N-no..... i-Im sorry honey.....I-I'm sorry.... Mark" Ten said and he looked up at his friends who were now looking at Ten with disgust.
"This is all your fault" Teayong said his eyes pink and puffy.
"They took him away because of you" Doyoung finished off.
Kun looked at him and turned away, "I wish we had never met, I should've just left you in the bathroom.... you are the worst parent I have encountered" Kun said and walked away.
Ten could help but scream, his heart was hurt, Mark was gone, his friends hated him, he was alone.
"I'm sorry!" Ten yelled but he looked around and he was all alone. Screaming for help he looked around but no one was there.

Gasping for air Ten shot up from his sleep and his hand immediately went to his chest.
"It was just a nightmare" he whispered but tears slipped down his eyes. "Everything seemed so real" he cried.
After calming down Ten looked at his surroundings and realized that he didn't recognize anything, everything was either black or white. Total opposite of Ten's colorful room.
"Where am I?" he asked himself and looked for his phone but couldn't find it. Pulling the blankets off of him, he walked to the door and slowly opened it. Nothing looked recognizable and it scared Ten.

Seeing a light at the end of the hallway he walked towards it and was led to a kitchen, where he saw a brunette cooking.
"You are up? The doctor said that you fainted due to stress and malnourishment so Johnny asked me to cook for you" the voice said without turning to face him.
"Where's my phone?" Ten demanded and the brunette turned to face him revealing none other than Johnny's best friend.
"Hmmmm i think it was on the vanity in Johnny's room, did you check there?" He said his expression looking confused.
"Well how would I know where Johnny's room is" Ten replied sounding irritated.
"Well you did sleep on his bed" Jaehyun replied and Ten looked shocked.
"And why the heck was I laying on his bed?!" Ten raised his voice making Jaehyun look up.
"Jeeez i don't know maybe it had to do with the fact of you passing out on the street and him carrying you to his apartment and calling me for help?" Jaehyun answered sounding very sarcastic and annoyed "Now please stop yelling"
Ten rolled his eyes and went back to grab his phone which sure enough was on Johnny's vanity.

Looking at it, the time read 10:40pm and Ten immediately facepalmed himself.
Looking at his notifications he had 20 missed calls from Teayong, 15 from Doyoung and 26 from Kun he had a bunch of messages and voicemails.
"I'm gonna get an ear full tonight" Ten said to himself and dialed Taeyong.

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