🌱Chapter 7🌱

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~Update Day!!
I had a few troubles with updating this week but I finished the chapter this morning~

Ten led the way and soon they ended up at a quiet café, Ten sat down at a table near the far corner next to a window, Johnny sat down after him and just looked at Ten, smiling lightly.
"Did you want to order something?" Johnny asked and Ten just stared at him his facial expressions blank.
"No" Ten answered flatly.
"Oh umm okay well I'm just gonna order something" Johnny said awkwardly walking away.
"I'm about ready to walk out" Ten thought.

Looking out the window Ten looked out to see busy bodies walking or rushing by, he couldn't help but smile at a child feeding pigeons and immediately thought of Mark.
"Umm i know you didn't want anything but I bought you this cream peach cake slice" Johnny said sitting and sliding s platter with a slice of cake decorated with at glazed peach neatly on top.
Ten just looked at it and looked up at Johnny, his face with an unreadable expression. Johnny sipped his cup of what Ten assumed was an iced americano.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Ten said straight forwardly and Johnny shifted in his seat.
"So how have you been?" Johnny asked wanting to fill in the awkward void.
"I have been great, life's great, love my friends, and....." Ten began but drifted not wanting to bring up Mark.
"My life is great" Ten answered.
"The kid is cute" Johnny said smiling at the memory of the cheery boy.
"He's a very happy child and he cute just like you" he added and Ten just rolled his eyes and scoffed.

"Yeah he was raised by me, Teayong, Doyoung and Kun so he was bound to be raised in a loving and happy environment." Ten said smiling lightly at the thought of Mark through the years.
"How old is he?" Johnny asked thinking about the boy.
Ten realized what he was saying and immediately regained his composure and once again Johnny could feel how cold Ten was emotionally towards him.
"That's none of your business" Ten said his hand trembling a bit. "What do you want?" He added looking at Johnny seriously.

"Ummm Chittaphon....... I wanted to tell you that, I have been searching for you......" Johnny said adverting his gaze.
"Stop calling me Chittaphon" Ten said, his voice hardening, catching Johnny off gaurd.
"I-I'm sorry" Johnny replied looking down "I'm sorry for everything"
Ten looked at him and his mind raced back to the night of the party.
"Youngho..... It's okay" Ten said smiling lightly making Johnny look up and as soon as he did Ten began to laugh coldly.
"Is that what you thought I was gonna say? Don't fool yourself Youn- Johnny, I'm not the same naive person you met at the party" Ten replied smiling coldly at Johnny who couldn't believe what was happening.
"W-what?" Johnny asked his expression full of sadness and confusion.

Ten couldn't control his emotions. Everything that he has been holding back had accumulated over the years, the hatred, the rage, the sadness, and the emptiness.
"Y-Your asking w-what?" Ten said his voice level rising Johnny immediately recoiled in his seat.
"I was stupid... so stupid to think that I actually liked you back then.... but guess what.... I saw your freaking phone and what do I see..... you slept with me all for a bet...... I trusted you.... and what did I get in return..... humiliation...... I regret ever meeting you.... but you know what........ one good thing came out of it....... I got my...." Ten stopped mid sentence realizing what he was about to say, Johnny was speechless, his whole demeanor changed.

"Chittap-Ten I-I can explain-" Johnny started but was cutoff by Ten who slammed his fist on the table and suddenly the coffee shop went quiet.
"No Johnny! I have had it..... You don't even know the first thing about me..... you want to know how I can tell" Ten said raising his eyebrow and looking at Johnny who looked shocked.
"Well Im gonna tell you anyway..... I hate fruits!" Ten said pushing the peach cake a bit forceful.
He immediately got up and walked away from the table leaving a shocked Johnny, who shortly after followed Ten out and grabbed his hand.

What Could Go Wrong?Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora