🌱Chapter 2🌱

Start from the beginning

In Kun's car, Chittaphon looked outside the window while Kun played classical music in the background. Kun cleared his throat and spoke up.
"So ummmm... forgive me if I'm overstepping my boundary but are you okay?" Kun asked filling the silent void, Chittaphon looked at him with the saddest eyes and smiled lightly.
"Would you believe me if I said yes?" Chittaphon replied, his eyes glassing up.
"No i wouldn't, but if you don't want to talk about it I can't force you to tell me" Kun replied looking down and closing his eyes.
"Just know that you aren't alone, your friends care about you, the guy on the phone was rushing out the door with someone else screaming at him to hurry" Kun said smiling brightly.
"My best friends, they are always there for me, i know I'm not alone but it sure does feel like it right about now" Chittaphon replied chuckling sadly.
"It feels like my world just crumbled down in a second, but this can't break me down, I have to come backs stronger than ever" Chittaphon replied sobs softly coming back, remembering the event of the night before.
"Chittaphon, I don't know what you went through but you will overcome it no matter what" Kun said looking at Chittaphon with sincere eyes.

Hearing a knock on the window, Kun looked up and saw two frantic looking people and Chittaphon immediately got off the car and ran to both of them and hugged them tightly once again breaking into tears.
Taeyong and Doyoung hugged Chittaphon and comforted him, Kun stood there awkwardly watching the whole thing.
Taeyong finally looked over to him and smiled lightly before speaking up.
"Thank you for helping our friend, we got it from here" he said and both him and Doyoung walked Chittaphon to the car.
Kun watching them and feeling a bit worried for the other.


After Chittaphon explained them what happened both Taeyong and Doyoung were beyond pissed. Doyoung was ready to fight and Taeyong was ready to slash some tires.
"So your telling me he......... for a bet!?" Doyoung yelled repeating over and over again.
"Calm down Doyoungie" Taeyong said while holding a crying Chittaphon in his arms.
"How can i calm down! He took our Chittaphon's v-card for a freaking bet? Like who even does that? He has no sense of morals or what?" Doyoung screamed making Chittaphon cry louder.
"Look at what you did" Taeyong said looking down at Chittaphon who was hugging Taeyong hiding his face on Taeyong's shirt.
Doyoung climbed on the other side of Chittaphon and hugged him as well the trio sitting together.

*Ring Ring*

Taeyong's phone screen light up and an unknown number lit the screen looking at his phone Taeyong exchanged a look with Doyoung who nodded and Taeyong answered.
"Hello?" Taeyong answered
"Oh grocery store dude!" Taeyong said cheerfully making Doyoung and Chittaphon look up.
"Yeah let me send you the information" he said after a couple seconds and hung up the call then sent a text.
"Grocery store dude is coming" Taeyong said and Chittaphon nodded he snuggled into Doyoung.

20 minutes later and the apartment doorbell rang Doyoung getting up to open it and let in their new guest who was holding grocery bags in one hand and daisies on the other.
"Umm hi I'm Kun" he said while smiling at Taeyong and Doyoung. Then his eyes landed on Chittaphon.
"Hi Chittaphon, these are for you!" He said holding out the daisies which Chittaphon took shyly.
"This is also for you" he said pulling out 3 pints of ice cream, one vanilla, one chocolate and one mint chocolate.
"T-thank you Kun" Chittaphon said lightly holding onto Taeyong's shirt and holding the daisies on the other hand.
"So Kun take a seat" Taeyong said motioning to the couch opposite of them.
"Can I put this in your kitchen right quick?" he asked to which Taeyong nodded.
Coming back to the living room he found Chittaphon eating the chocolate pint and his friends eating the other ones, making him smile.
"So Kun, what are the daisies for ?" Doyoung asked Chittaphon looking at him as if telling him to stay quiet.
"They are 'Get well soon' and 'I hope you feel better' flowers" he said smiling lightly, his eyes crinkling on the edges.
"Thank you again Kun and Thank you for earlier as well" Chittaphon spoke up, Kun noticing his puffy red eyes behind his glasses.
"So what do you do for a living Kun?" Doyoung continued to ask earning him a hit from Taeyong and a giggle from Chittaphon.
"I graduated last year, I'm a elementary school teachers assistant, and I like to cook" he said smiling brightly.
"Wow!" Chittaphon said out loud "You're a year older than us" he added making Kun laugh.
"So your telling me you can cook?" Taeyong asked curiously to which Kun nodded.
"I was planning to make rice chicken soup, if you would lend me your kitchen that is?" he asked, to which everyone agreed.

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