part 6 of chapter 0

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I'm sorry I didn't post the day after like I said I would I just got lazy😭


But alas she didn't want to say anything to Mrs.Myka thinking she might get upset for asking so she sat and waited for class to start...

Author p.o.v

The class soon started the girl minded her business, as she was thinking she thought about how high school was different from what her parents and the movies describe it.

10 minutes into class she started to hear laughter she froze in place her heart was practically beating out of her chest, mind racing

She thought the students were laughing at her she didn't know why she thought that but when she turned her head to the right she saw what the other students were laughing at

As soon as she saw what it was she relaxed her tense muscles and let out a breath she didn't notice she was holding

The students were laughing at some video on one of their phones she couldn't see the video but she saw a guy on the phone for a split second

A few seconds later she went back to minding her own business she soon got bored so decided to pull out a piece of paper and a mechanical pencil (aka led pencil) and glasses ( if you don't wear glasses just pretend you do to just pretend she doesn't wear them okay)

After her glasses she opened the sketchbook to an empty page and grabbed the pencil she was thinking of what to draw but she didn't have any ideas

Y/n had just started learning how to draw only a month ago so she wasn't good at it yet. The videos she watched to learn how to draw always said that it takes years of practice and patience to be good at it.

Since she didn't have anything to draw she drew a few random lines and scribbles here and there. After she looked at the paper and just drew lines where she felt her gut tell her to

She was so invested in her art that she didn't notice that the time flew by until the bell rang. She packed her stuff as fast as she could and started to head to her next class.

She waved goodbye to the teacher before walking out of the now-empty classroom looking at her schedule she realized that her next class was next to her first class of the day (aka Mr. Tekis class)

Y/n sped walks to her next class since she already knows where it is she doesn't have to worry about getting lost.....again

Anyway, after a minute or two, she makes it there and walks in only to be met with other kids yelling across the room and others play fighting there were also a few kids that were in their seats behaving like a normal person

As she walks in she almost immediately finds the teacher, she walks up to the teacher and hands him the schedule it seems that the teacher was a sub that has been subbing for this class for a long time because the schedule said his name but said that he's a sub

"Hello, are you a new student? My name is Mr. Bell and you are?" The teacher now known as Mr.bell asked grabbing the schedule lightly from his as to not seem rude or disrespectful toward him

Y/n lifts up the paper and points at her name. "Nozomi, y/n right?" Mr.bell asks looking at the younger girl's reaction just to be sure he had said her name correctly

She nodded in response and then looked around to find a place to sit Mr.bell seemed to catch on to what she was doing, "oh! there are assigned seats in this class so let me just find an empty seat for you to sit in" he then said walking to his desk picking up a paper in some kind of plastic (A/n: sorry I forgot what that thing is was called TwT)

"Okay so everywhere else is taken except this little area right here so just pick a seat from this area and just sit down and then I'll make that your seat okay?" He said making a circular motion in the second to last row of seats in the back of the class

Y/n just nodded and sat in a random seat because she didn't want to waste his time just so she can find a comfortable area to sit in, although she felt uncomfortable in her spot she chooses to ignore it

Time skip to her last class of the day

the school day had gone on but it soon came to an end as the last bell of the day had now rang the students were leaving to go home to what y/n was guessing is relax

Y/n walked out of the front gate to the school she looked around for a few minutes until her driver Mr.Sokka was in sight, he had pulled up in front of her. Y/n had forgotten she was wearing glasses only to remember when she had wiped her hand on them when she tried to rub her eye

She soon got into the car after Mr.Sokka had opened the door for her. During the drive home, y/n was thinking of how fun school was and how she never wanted to stop going

To be continued

Thank you guys for being patient with me and sorry for another short chapter and for not posting in a little while I've been having really strong writer's block along with art block as well but thank you guys if you have gotten this far and sorry I didn't put the rest of the teachers in but I just got tired but I love you guy and I really hope you guys have a wonderful day, night or evening and just know that I love you!

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