《0》Outsiders |PREQUEL|

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cover art by   h0pe.lez






Haru wasn't sure for how long she could see the creatures that were called 'Curses'. As far as she could remember...she always has. 

Growing up, it was hard to ignore them since they were naturally crawling around like maggots. And they would often pester for her attention. Unaware of how strange this was, she often notified the adults about these critters....and naturally, they could not see due to the lack of curse energy.

Because of this, Haru became a "weird" child...and strange rumors began to stir around her, and disturbances led to bullying. 

Her parents were aware of her ability, in fact, her father possessed that very same trait. He would often say "it runs through the family" with a scowl on his face. He seemed to have despised this unique trait since he was upset that both his daughter and himself had inherited it. 

But he did not despise his child, and could only accept the cruel reality. He loved his daughter and adored his wife that blessed him with a family. They lived happily without a flaw.

"My dear Haru...come here for a moment..."

The father ushered the little one with a tender smile. The little girl by the name of Haru beams at her father, walking up to the man and going in for a hug.

The man ruffled the little girl's indigo hair, making the girl giggle. He settles her down beside him, keeping her close.

The cicadas buzz in the summer night, their noise expanding throughout the open fields of the countryside. After the hard work under the blazing sun, the night breeze was something to look forward to.

"Haru...I want you to remember this," Her father soon began, urging the little girl to look up towards her father with much curiosity. His long hair waves along with the wind, as his eyes sparkled from underneath the moonlight and stars.

"You must always....always hide the fact that you are a sorcerer," He begins, his eyes wavering at the word, "Because there will be people that will try to exploit you from it...or worse...hurt you,"

At that time, Haru was unsure about what her father meant. But she took his words as advice.

"I don't understand?" She responds softly, pouting a bit in thought. The man could only chuckle at his daughter's innocence, ruffling her hair even more.

"Don't worry, you'll understand soon enough," He reassures her with a smile. Just then, another voice pipes from inside the house, catching the attention of the father and daughter duo.

"Taiki! Haru!" A woman's voice calls for them. 

By the alluring aroma of food, the duo knew right away what time it was. They quickly scurry to their feet, steps tapping the wooden floor of the traditional Japanese home. 

The woman could be seen gasping at how quick they were, the duo already at their designated seats with their cups and chopsticks ready for dinner. She smiles nonetheless, placing all the different dishes onto the small table they share.

Their laughter and chatter lively up the home. 

Taiki takes a good look at the scenery before him. He smiles, enjoying the warm sight of his daughter and wife. It warmed his heart, enjoying every single moment.

He winced when he recalled his dark past....his family...a household...a place where he was trained hard and disciplined harshly under a pressuring environment. Taiki couldn’t resist this world that his family lived in...and thus ran away.

But he did not regret such actions, for that he is here now...living happily with a family he will adore and protect.

Taiki leads his eyes towards the smaller girl. His heart-clenching once again.

'Haru...my daughter...I will protect you...'

He vowed to himself, all in hopes that his sacrifices won't be in vain.

'I...will protect this family...no matter what...'



Thank you for reading!!

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