VII. Whoa Mama

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Author's note: *ok... so writing is hard and I apparently like to drag things out lmao. So welcome back for part 86, we are getting there maybe lol anyway, enjoy <3*

"Now, what about accessories?" Josh asked as turning towards me with a mischievous look.
"Oh you have to see them!" Clara said looking up from her notes. His eyes grew wide and he looked back at me expectantly.
"Well, I had some ideas.." I goaded with a smirk.
"Oh!?" He asked moving to the counter and perching on it. "Do go on." He instructed. I went over to my stacks of boxes and rummaged a little.
"So, you had this idea of the world of the song being this dark, dreary, world until the sun shines through the stained glass giving meaning, color, hope."
"I decided I couldn't deny you at least trying on these" I said finally finding the small black rectangular box that was of course buried under everything. I slid it out and walked over to hand it to him.
"The antici....." he started with a smile, "-pation" he finished as I handed him the box.
"I had them custom made, they are a little silly but I couldn't not commit to the bit." I held my breath as he opened the box. A smile spread across his face as he hopped down from the counter.
"You nailed it Rosemary!" He said as he slid the stained glass inspired sunglasses on. "These are the moment" he gave me double finger guns and then turned going towards the mirrors. They were slightly oversized rounded rectangle frames. The frames themselves resembled stained glass, and the lenses were a tint of blue.
"I'm so glad you like them! If not for the video I figured as a thank you for all your generosity." I smiled as he continued to check them out.
"A thank you gift? Already? You haven't even had to deal fully with diva van fleet yet... don't thank me too soon" he laughed at his own lame joke as I rolled my eyes at him. He gave a wink and went back to sit on the counter taking off the glasses and popping them back in the box.
"Well, as a token of thanks for all of your hard work so far, want to come play pool with us tonight?" He asked, " I know you've got some things to finish up here and so do we, buuut you guys could use some fun!" Josh looked expectantly between Clara and I. While hanging out with the guys sounded like a fun time, I didn't want to seem unprofessional or end up slightly underprepared for tomorrow. As I was still waging the mental battle of professionalism vs hanging out with some really cool people, Clara beat me to breaking the small silence.
"I mean, I've never been one to say no to pool" Clara said shrugging.
"Excellent! One down, Rosemary?" Josh asked angling his face towards me, with the most puppy dog gaze I've ever seen.
"Fine, just dont be shocked when I beat everyone" I said jokingly. I've never been one for pool but who could pass up this opportunity, and technically it was networking right?
"Fantastic!" He jumped down, his curls bouncing as he bounded towards the fitting rooms.
"Let me know if you need any help!" I said to his retreating form, he threw his hand out as a don't worry about it gesture. Once the door was closed Clara and I locked eyes.
"Dude, can you believe this!" She said quietly. I shook my head in disbelief.
"Honestly, this day has been one 'I can't believe this' after another, so really I shouldn't be surprised, but I am." I let out a slightly nervous breathy laugh as she started packing up her paperwork.
"Well, at least we don't have too much to do tonight. There's only a couple of things to take care of before we go." She was always good at grounding my nerves and worries.
"True, and everything looked fantastic. We have screen tests in the morning and then we are shooting all day. So I think we are in a good place."
"Exactly! Oh, I'm so excited. How long has it been since we've been out?! It's going to be so nice to get back into the world of socializing." Clara said.
"Just call us social butterflies" I said punctuating the sentence with jazz hands. We laughed as the fitting room door opened and Josh walked back over to us.
"Well, I'll text you when we are done here tonight and we can carpool. Jake knows a really good bar close by that has some awesome tables and vibes." He said whipping out his phone and E-cig.
"Sounds like a plan!" I said trying not to fixate too much on being in a social setting with the more serious twin.
"Great!" Clara seconded.
"Amazing! See you then" He said checking his phone, "I've got to get to my next meeting, this finishing early has me possibly being on time!" He remarked as he came in for a hug. Josh always gave the best hugs, his arms gave just enough squeeze to feel secure, and his warmth and happiness radiated through his being. This had to be one of the best perks of the job, he was just so darn good at giving hugs. We broke apart and he turned and gave Clara a hug too.
"Get ready to get absolutely crushed at pool" he joked
"Oh, Clara and I are so going to beat y'all" I teased back.
"Ooh this is going to be fun!" He waved as he opened the door and left with one of his dazzling smiles.
"That man is going to be the death of us." Clara said. I nodded in agreement.

My Heart's Desire Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora