VI (Taker, Beliver)

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Authors note:
SORRY :( Adult life is hard, I haven't even been able to do anything GVF in like a month :(. Anyway! here's something. If you're still reading I literally love you with all of my heart. Thank you <3 I promise there will be more.

The door closed behind him as he went to change back into his clothes. I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding.
While the fitting went spectacular, I was concerned at how much I had felt towards the talented guitar player. After working in an industry where someone you met once could be in a show with Lin-Manuel, being star struck really wasn't common. But apparently these four Michigan natives had a hold on me that I had to fight every moment of being around them. I took another deep breath, hoping to find my center before Jake reemerged and Josh appeared. I had heard tales of the two of them absolutely taking control of any room they were in... but I was slightly hoping they'd grown out of it.

"Here's the accessories" Jake said, giving me the hat and shoes, "Everything else is in the room"
I nodded at him, putting the hat back in its box and leaving the shoes on the table.
"So, that's it?" He asked playing with the strap of the bag he brought in, giving me a brief reprieve from his intense gaze.

"Yeah! I'll be on set, obviously, for any issues that arise. Clara will be there as well, since there's four of you."  I nodded at him with a smile.

"Cool, that's good to know. It's always hard to relearn things when you have new people." He said with a crooked endearing smile.
"Oh totally, I'm learning y'all as much as you're learning me. I get it." I moved to put his shoes away, as he moved to the door and we ended up colliding. The brief moment of eye contact had my brain on freeze mode. My eyes locked on his, my mouth open in shock. His eyes wide with concern, and a soft smile on his lips.

"Ha I see we have some traffic patterns to work on" he said smiling, as he walked towards the door, turning to say goodbye as Josh happened to swing the door open.
"The fun has arrived" Josh sang, as I laughed at the complete chaos that was happening.

"That's debatable!" Jake said taking a step back to allow his twin into the room.

"You know, minutes determine personality" Josh said winking as he took a long drawl from his ecig.

"Listen, I'd say thank you five but I think this is more of a long standing issue." I said laughing a bit.
Both twins looked at me with a twinkle in their eyes as their faces broke into a smile. And I was completely captive. They had the room. There was no question about who ran their interactions, because both could arise to the occasion.
They shared a look and Josh winked at Jake. As a strong blush lit fire to my cheeks. Oh if only my emotions weren't so easily read on my face.
"See you later!" Jake said with a wave as he passed his brother, giving him a pat on the shoulder and a look I couldn't quite decipher. I had hoped it was positive, but one would know soon enough. Epecially if they decided to work with me on more than this one music video. As hopeful as I was, they were always interviewing artists, for posters, merch, etc. so, I had no real pull in this situation.

"Excited to have a real fitting?" Josh said his eyebrow raising as he gave me a cocky look.

"Honestly, I've been looking forward to yours the MOST." I said honestly. While the other members were great and I had formed connections with them throughout working with them, Josh and I clicked on an artistic level. Not only was he the one that championed me working for the band, he also was amazing at collaborating.

"I hope I don't disappoint" He said giving a half bow. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. And handed him his jumpsuit.
"Let me know if you need help zipping up, diva" I smiled
"Oh, we don't zip these up, do you know how many instagram edits my low cut jumpsuits have been in?" He said raising his eyebrows. I laughed as he walked to his dressing room.
I rolled my eyes at him. And took that time to take in the day, writing the small notes on the others fittings. I hear some rustling and find it odd.
"Josh, if you need a zip just say so!" I said my hand cupped to make it through the doors. A little more struggling took place as I started to walk towards his dressing room.
"I'm fine, I'm fine" He said as he opened the door grinning.  "It was the getting the angle of my arms right to slip it on, and then zip."
"Ahh, but it worked fine once you figured it out?" I questioned, knowing there was a lot of volume to the sleeves so it could be tricky.
"Yeah! Totally, plus if I know someone is there to help me I can accomplish it myself." He said looking in the mirror at his stained glass window jumpsuit.

He was the only one to be in the same look the whole time. Because he was the constant. In the concerts, he was the one who kind of kept the same idea, but then depending on place he'd change his jumpsuit. But he was basically the sun, in terms of costume and the others radiated whatever idea was captured in his look.

He stepped out and in front of the mirrors in the corner. He didn't have shoes because he needed to feel the bass as well as hear it in his in ear. Because he trusted the sound department but something felt so energetic about feeling the bass.

He ran his hands down his waist and over his hips, his left shoulder was the same grey fabric as Jake's. And as it goes across and down his body it turns into stained glass with some moments of grey in between. It wasn't tight fitting all over, the sleeves were slightly full and the legs were the same with little cuffs.

"Did you make this by hand?" He asked, his eyes sparkling as he caught my eyes in the mirror.

"She did! She's and expert at creating interesting textiles. Some of the beading had to be done by hand but a lot of it was piecing the fabric together brilliantly." Clara said as she walked in.

"Oh my gosh, honestly its amazing what you do. I've been blown away since day one but this, this is magnificent." Josh was admiring his angles in the mirror, as Clara looked over what notes I had put on the notebook.

"Thank you, it really is no big deal. Especially compared to the impact your music has made. Not to sound like a fan girl but.." I laughed "beading your jumpsuit is the least I could do." I said checking the hem and fullness at the pants cuff.
"Listen, Rosemary, you have a dream. I know it's to create looks consistently for bands of our size or larger. And honestly, we will chose you until you find something bigger." His eyes locked mine and I swear his smile could light a thousand suns.

"Thank you, Josh. I can't wait to see what the future has in store. Especially when your imagination is involved." We did spend a second smiling at each other, until Clara shuffled some papers around to let her presence be known again. Shaking us both out of a friendly in awe of each other's talent moment.

"Ok! So, no shoes, just the jumpsuit and some fun makeup." I said double checking.
"Exactly!" He said, his right hand pointing at the air.
"Great, do you need makeup research or is it taken care of? In theatre it tends to be a 50/50 of who actually designs the looks."
He looked at me with a small grin.
"I truly miss theatre, but we have a makeup person who does it."
I nodded, "cool, that is honestly relieving because I haven't touched stage makeup in so long, let alone film makeup. But, I am definitely interested in being in the room when that happens, if that's ok. Just so I can keep learning." I said hopefully.
"Of course!" Josh said, his arms crossed as he got comfy in his stance, sensing we'd be talking for a bit.
"That's amazing, thank you. Though I'd definitely like confirmation from the makeup artist that it was ok. I get nervous even when Clara is here to observe, so I don't want to impose"

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