The table where Bonnie and Caroline were sitting wasn't too far from the booth occupied by the newcomers.  Both girls' eyes seemed to pop out of their heads when they heard their accents.  Caroline nudged her head in the booth's direction, "Should we go introduce ourselves?"  Bonnie looked over to the booth catching the gaze of a pair of eerily beautiful green eyes.  She looks away quickly, "Might as well.  I just have a bad feeling."

Bonnie and Caroline approached the booth as the group finished ordering their food and drinks.  Caroline stood next to Hermione, "Hi, we couldn't help but notice that you're new to our small town and we wanted to introduce ourselves.  I'm Caroline Forbes and this is Bonnie Bennett."  "I'm Hermione Greyback.  This is my husband, Fenrir," Hermione shook Caroline's hand and then waved at a silent Bonnie.  Fenrir just waved, not wanting to be rude but not comfortable with physical contact from anyone else besides Hermione.  Caroline turned to Leilani, "Hullo, I'm Leilani Evans.  And it's a lovely town.  We just got here last night."

Bonnie stayed quiet the whole time.  She felt extremely uncomfortable being so close to that much raw power.  Bonnie could only stand there and listen as Caroline spoke for her.  She was thinking she needs to speak with her grams.  Bonnie couldn't believe the feeling from last night was the people that were sitting in front of her.  She came back to herself when Caroline grasped her elbow, "Bonnie?  You okay?"  She shook her head and looked around at the people at the booth then back to Caroline before going back to their table.  Caroline sighed, "I'm sorry about Bonnie.  She's not herself today.  It was nice meeting you.  Hope to see you around."  Caroline didn't wait for a response before walking away to catch up with her best friend leaving the Grill. 

Vicky came to their booth with their orders, "Alright, enjoy.  Let me know if you need anything else."  Setting the plates and drinks down then walks back to the kitchen.  "Well, it seems we just met a witch," Lei said as she picked up her burger.  Hermione agreed, "She probably could sense our magic."  Hermione looked over to the man sitting next to her.

Fenrir was already tearing into his burger.  Hermione placed a hand on his shoulder, "Slow down.  It's not going anywhere.  And we don't want you getting sick from eating something so heavy after being in that place for so long."  Fenrir put his burger down and chewed slower.  Lei did the same, not noticing she was eating just as fast, "I'm still not used to having so much food in one sitting.  During our time on the run, we had to scavenge for food once the stock ran out.  Which didn't take long when accompanied by the bottomless Weasel."  The three of them chuckled, knowing the eating habits of one Ronald Billius Weasley.

Lei excuses herself to the restroom after finishing her meal.  On her way back to the booth she overhears a man talking to himself, "I hate kids.  Should've been a sports reporter, not a high school history teacher."  Lei is reminded of a certain potions professor.  She knew how it felt to have a professor who hated kids, she pitied the students.  Lei knows what she is about to do is wrong but the idea of someone who hates kids teaching doesn't sit well with her.  She moves to sit next to the guy at the bar, discreetly pulling out her wand, "Imperio."  She watches as the man's face exchanges a scowl for a smile.  Knowing the spell is active, Lei tells the man, "You are going to quit your job at the high school and move out of town, start a new life."  The man puts his drink down, pulls out enough money to cover his drinks, and leaves.

Hermione and Fenrir came over to Lei after paying.  "What did you just do?" Hermione asked her best friend/sister.  Lei smiles, "I just got myself a job.  Easy way to blend in and learn more about the residents of this town."  "Doing what exactly?" The overly stuffed but happy werewolf asks.  "History teacher.  Hermione did say I was good at teaching." Lei stood from the barstool and walked to the door.  Hermione just shook her head, "Sometimes I wonder what goes through her head."  Lei sarcastically replies over her shoulder, "Hot air, and Do the Hippogriff on a loop."  Only three people could be heard laughing, the rest of the Grill was confused.

Exploring more of the town center, Hermione stops them in front of the only realtor in town.   Fenrir opens the door for the ladies and then follows behind them.  Hermione speaks with one of the realtors, "Hullo, we're new in town and looking to stay."  The realtor looks the three of them over, noting how casual they were dressed.  She was going to turn them away, but she wanted her commission.  "Of course, my name is Janet.  Is this your first time buying a home?"  Hermione answered, "Yes, we recently moved from Surrey, England wanting a fresh start."  Janet led the three of them into her office and asked several more questions before showing them a listing. 

Hermione read the list with Lei reading over her shoulder.  Lei pointed to a listing, an older home with plenty of rooms, a basement, an attic, and a beautiful landscape.  Hermione read it over, leaned over to Fenrir, and showed him the listing.  The three of them agreed that this would be perfect for them.  Handing the listings back to the realtor, "We'll take this property here."  Hermione points to it.  The realtor smiled and nodded her head, "That is an excellent choice.  Would you like to tour it?"  Lei waved her suggestion off, "No.  That's alright.  We'd like to move in as soon as possible."  Janet was a little offended but didn't show it, the home really was a beautiful example of Victorian architecture. 

When it came time to fill out all the paperwork, Hermione may or may not have Confunded the realtor to speed up the process.  They left with an appointment at ten in the morning the next day to retrieve their new house keys.  They decided they were done for the day and returned to the B&B for more rest and to tell Winky and Pip about the house.  The house-elves are currently caring for the creatures in Hermione's Sanctuary as they wait to see their new home.

AN: Alaric will replace the English teacher.  The English teacher will be the one Damon attacks during the first football game.

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