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A good night's rest in her childhood bed was the perfect cure for anything Nina had going on in her life. Despite her room having been turned into a guest room, with the walls and some of the furniture she had grown up with changing over time, the essence of her childhood still lingered, which always brought comfort to Nina.

Her eyes opened slowly, although she had been awake for a awhile, she had been laying there willing herself to go back to sleep. The long flight yesterday caused her to get home late even with the time difference, therefore Nina had been able to dodge the unavoidable elephant in the room: her baby. She was grateful for that, and to have some extra time to gather what she was going to say to her mother's and her Lola now that they were face to face. Of course the whole family was aware of what was happening, but that didn't mean Nina wasn't going to have to give every minute detail now that she was in person with all of the people who have only been informed through face time calls.

Waking up meant facing another unavoidable elephant in the room, but one that was just less obvious: her and Ricky had sex. Again.

And it was just as incredible as Nina had remembered it being.

Him sweeping her off her feet and carrying her off to her room was on replay in her mind.

"Oh god." Nina sat up, pushing the singer off of her. "I'm gonna be late for my flight I completely forgot."

She jumped out of bed, the singer following suit. The two began to quickly redress. "Here, I'll call you a cab and just meet me down there with your stuff." Ricky ran out of the room and down the flights of stairs.

Nina frantically made sure she had everything and that she was back to her normal put together self. With a quick glance in the mirror, she rushed out the door, the elevator thankfully already open onto her floor.

As promised, Ricky was waiting with a cab out in front of her building, holding the door open for her and throwing her suitcase in the trunk. After doing so, he slid into the backseat next to her.

"JFK. Please." Nina said curtly to the driver before looking at Ricky. In a hushed tone, she asked "Why did you get into the cab with me."

"I'm coming with you." Before Nina could reply he caught himself, "not to Salt Lake, I mean... that would be weird. I just meant to the airport. I want to make sure you get in okay. Carry your bag for you."

"You really don't have to do this." She replied.

"I want to." He smiled, moving closer to her and began pressing his lips lightly to her neck.

Nina caught the driver eyeing them in the rear view mirror, and she gently shoved Ricky off.

"We shouldn't." Nina said with a more serious inflection in her voice. "We can't. Ever again."

With those words, Ricky moved away from her and Nina turned to face the window.

The rest of the ride was silent, save a few comments and questions from the driver. When they arrived at the airport, Ricky jumped out of the car to grab her bag, promising the cab driver a fabulous tip if he held the cab for minutes.

"I can pay my own fare." She said coldly, not meeting his eyes.

"I wanted to. Plus I need to take the cab back to the city anyways might as well just pay it all at once."

There was silence before she finally said, "I'll call you when I'm back, okay?"

"What if something happens?"

3 TOWNS, 4 HEARTBEATS [RINI AU]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ