Beautiful, beautiful boy || l.s

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authors note

If you saw the announcement I made on my board, I said I wanted to make a fic where harry has aspergers. Now I spent about three hours, which obviously isn't enough research but I do listen intently when I want to, and I am quite the fast reader and typer so I made multiple notes on Aspergers and the autism spectrum + ADHD & OCD.

1. because I want to make this as realistic as possible, not only because of that but I don't want to offend anybody if I'm poorly educated on it.

2. i just like psychology, how the human mind works, and mental + personality disorders

So anyways, I have a lifelong list of symptoms, behaviors, and thoughts that a person with Aspergers have. How meltdowns occur, body language, speech, all that jazz. And the first chapter may take awhile to publish depending on how I like it and If I think it's "readable" as in like if its interesting or if its flat out boring and unentertaining.


⁕ boyxboy (obvious-fucking-ly)
⁕ self harm
⁕ bullying
⁕ eating disorders

thats mainly it because this fic isn't really meant to be completely sad but harry has aspergers so it's prominent for there to be good and bad days.


As previously said before, I'm not like an expert on this but I'm looking into the autism spectrum and aspergers so I can get a better understanding and I don't offend anybody because that isn't and would never be intended.  Please please please let me know if I get anything wrong and how I can improve the story

also, would you guys want this in lowercase or uppercase? please lmk sooner than later (like right when I post this plz and thanks)

also, would you guys want this in lowercase or uppercase? please lmk sooner than later (like right when I post this plz and thanks)

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Beautiful, beautiful boy || l.sWhere stories live. Discover now