Chapter 8 - A Confusing Date

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Thanks for all the views so far! Glad you all are enjoying this cute little story. Just FYI, the date of this chapter is Saturday March 12, 1960. Also, I found out just yesterday, Elvis actually started recording the music he made in the army around the 20th of March. I'm not sure what he was up to before then right after he got home. Maybe he actually had a break. I don't know. No doubt he would've been busy with something.

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She was in love with me, but she didn't want to start anything because she felt inferior to me. This was the first time that I wished I wasn't famous... and wished that I was older. But she said we wouldn't work out even if I was her age, either.

I let out a sigh as I stared up at the dark ceiling that night after I confronted Mary. It was probably around four in the morning, and I hadn't gotten to sleep until around midnight. With all this going on, as what was going on in my career, it was just hard for me to sleep. Too many things encumbered my mind, mostly thoughts of my little romance with Mary.

I recalled when I first met her. I had just turned nineteen in 1954, shortly before I cut a second record at Sun Records, later to find out nothing came of it. I came home one evening to my family's little two-bedroom apartment in Lauderdale Courts downtown and found that Momma had company with her in the living room. It was Mary. My very first impression of her was kind and personable since she greeted me with a friendly smile. Remembering it now, it was attractive. That wasn't running through my mind at the time, though. After Momma told me that they met in a department store and talked for a while and hit it off, I had sat next to Mary on the sofa. I told her what I was up to with trying to produce music at Sun Records. She told me she had faith that I could do it since she had seen me perform before, at my high school. She had gone with Sandra who had friends going to my high school and told her to bring her family and witness the talent show.

Thinking back on it, Mary was a pretty big source of confidence when I first started out. I met her several times after that, when Momma would invite her, Randall and Sandra to dinner. Before we all knew it, I appeared on the Ed Sullivan show, and Sandra bragged to her friends that she was besties with Elvis Presley. It was odd, that I didn't feel the need to woo Sandra. Maybe God made it that way, made me see her as only a friend, and as the years went on, like a cousin or sister. We were only meant to be such since...

I was meant to eventually fall in love with her mother. My past self would laugh at that if I went back and told him that after coming home from the army, I would fall in love with Mary, and she with me.

But why? Was there even an answer? People fall in love all the time just because. It happens. But there was a reason for everything.

I shut my eyes and forced myself to not think of anything. After another good hour, my consciousness left me, and it seemed like only an hour later that ringing jumped me out of a dream. Groggily, I hit my alarm clock, silencing it. The morning sun filtered through the magenta curtains, lighting the room a bit. I remained in bed, debating with myself on whether I was dreaming being home from the army since before my alarm woke me up, I was back there in Germany, training with the boys, and looking forward to seeing Priscilla again.

Priscilla. I needed to call her and tell her that she was just too young for me. Though, it was a heck of a lot better than being eighteen years younger than your love interest instead of ten. It didn't seem fair that she expected something from me since I asked her to be there when I boarded the plane, and we waved at one another, making a silent agreement to keep in touch.

No more two-timing. I was done with that. Plus, Priscilla and I weren't far enough along in our relationship to make it a total catastrophe if we ended things, not like what happened with Anita. She probably didn't want anything to do with me again.

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