Chapter 7 - Rewrite the Stars

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He didn't glance back, he just went right on with the Colonel. My heart raced so fast, my hands were starting to numb up, and I was starting to feel a bit faint. This was giving me a reaction similar to the beginning of a panic attack. I needed to sit down, but there was nowhere to sit that was close enough.

I looked around, desperate, and as I did so, I saw the door to Vernon's study open. Out came Vernon. Alarm pulsed my system for a moment. Did he see what just happened?!

He exited the study, and we met gazes. His lips were pursed as he looked away and walked on to the back door silently.

Yes, he saw.

"Oh dear God in Heaven, what do I do now?" I whined when it was just me in the backyard, as well as the morning wind. "Why is this happening? Why are You doing this, especially right now, after I just got divorced, and literally a few days after Elvis got home?"

Blaming God for this whole situation probably wasn't the best thing to do. Everything happens for a reason... but what was the reason behind Elvis and I falling for each other and sharing a kiss that made me feel young and in love again?

I got to the laundry again, and all I could think about was how I felt when he was near me... my emotions. The only other time I felt that giddy, heart-pounding, limb-weakening feeling was before Randall was going in to kiss me for the first time over twenty years ago. And while Elvis was kissing me...

"Wow..." I muttered in a slight daze, recalling those soft luscious lips on mine. No wonder women loved him so much – he was a great kisser. Well, no doubt the girls he went steady with were sold on the way he kissed – soft and tender. And his hot breath entering my mouth as he did so... and his fingers entwined with mine... and his scent... and his body looming over mine...

A dog barked somewhere and I snapped out of it. Face heating, I fumbled with the dry white sheet and folded it the best I could and put it in the basket. Attempting to not think about that kiss, and still a bit rattled, I went on to finish the laundry. It was close to nine o'clock by the time I finished and carried the basket into the house and up the stairs to the first guest room. I would go around the house and make each bed one by one. The top blankets were already in there since I didn't wash those. At least, not yet. I just wanted to do the sheets for now.

In the first guest room, the one to the right of the stairs, I started my chore. As I was tossing the sheets on the bare mattress, I glanced at the wall. There was a gray picture of Elvis from maybe 1957, a nice one where he had his arms resting on a guitar, and a bright smile was on his face. That was probably taken when he was doing Jailhouse Rock, and he had just bought Graceland.

I stared at the picture, amazed at what was going on between me and that boy in the picture, only he looked slightly more mature now

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I stared at the picture, amazed at what was going on between me and that boy in the picture, only he looked slightly more mature now. If I went back in time somehow to when that picture was taken and told my past self what I was experiencing only a few years ahead of then, she would laugh at me and call me crazy.

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