Upon entering, the music was fast and upbeat. Tommy turned to Bella and held his hand out for her, they both smirked at each other. Once she placed her hand in his. He instantly started spinning her around and moving all around until they were in the center of the room.

Bella couldn't stop laughing. She never would've expected Tommy to be this good of a dancer, she was having so much fun with him at that moment.
Even Tommy was smiling wide. Watching her grey eyes wrinkle at the edges as she laughed was a sight that he wanted to hold onto forever.

After a couple songs, the music slowed down as did the dancing.

So Tommy pulled Bella close, took one of her hands in his and rested the other on her waist. While hers rested on his shoulder. The gently swayed together, catching their breath from the all the fast dancing they just did.

Bella kept the soft smile on her face, after a moment she noticed that Tommy's face went back to being serious as he looked her in the eyes.

"What is it?" She asked softly

Tommy continued to watch her. He had so many things on his mind. And every single one of them involved Bella.

Bella became serious then too "Tommy if this is about early, really I'm okay. Nothing happe-"

"It's not about that man. It's about Vince"

Bella paused for a half a second, before they continued to dance, she wasn't expecting him to say that

With furrowed eyebrows she asked "and what about Vinny Tommy?"

He didn't mean to offend her, but he was being honest.
"After everything you told me...I wish I could thank him. Thank him for keeping you here,...for bringing you to me"

Bella was shocked he said that, but gave him her soft smile again and whispered "I think I was always meant to find you, Tommy"

Tightening his grip a little in her hand, "you spoke before of Vince being your protector-"
Bella nodded, knowing that early she told him about her feelings with that and Tommy continued
"As long as you with me Bella, I'll be your protector. You don't have to worry, I'll always be there" he spoke so slowly and softly, making sure she understood every word

The look on Bella's face was one of pure admiration and gratitude. But before she could say anything, Tommy pulled her closer, and looked deeply into her eyes,

It felt like they were the only two in the room

"My life is complicated Bella. I have commitments that I don't want to follow through with...but despite everything...you always seem to make it okay."

Bella still had no words as she listened to what he had to say

He closed his eyes for half a second before looking back into hers and spoke so deeply

"I don't eat...I don't sleep...all I do is think of you."

Then he leaned close and kiss her.

It was soft and slow. And held everything they were holding back all these months.

Bella moved her hands to his neck and he moved one of his to her hair while other pulled her closer, if that was even possible.

The kiss lasted a few more seconds, before Bella pulled away.

She looked him in the eyes, both of their eyes held happiness and she smiled

"I love your eyes-" then giggled as she rubbed her thumbs against his cheeks and wiping off the lipstick she left behind "-and the rest of your face too"

Tommy's smile widen at her ridiculous comment. Then she continued

"You hold a very special part of my heart Tommy...one that I don't share with many. And I trust you to treat it well"

He nodded "always peach. Always."

The two stood there for a few more minutes, just admiring each other and acknowledging what just happened.

In both of their minds they knew nothing more can come from it. But at that moment nothing else mattered. Only them.

Even if what they have has to be secret or kept at a distance, it didn't matter cause they had each other and that's what they both longed for since they met.


Once the music picked up again, the two decided it was time to leave and head back to Ada's for the night.

The ride home was quiet. Neither saying anything. There was a lot to talk about but neither wanting to be the one to bring it up. So they sat in silence as Bella held Tommy's hand in her lap.

After the car was parked in Ada's drive, Tommy rushed out to open the door for Bella. She took the hand he offered to her and they entered the house that way.

Tommy lead her up stairs and down the hall to where her room was. She opened the the door and stepped into the door way, turning back towards Tommy.

They looked at each other with blank expressions, until Tommy put his hands in his pockets and with a nod he bid her good night
"Thank you for joining me today, hope you have a good night"

She nodded but felt her heart drop when he went to turn away.

Oh fuck it! Fuck the wedding! Fuck Grace! And fuck doing what's right!

"Tommy wait!" She quickly said and as soon as he turned around, she grabbed his tie, pulled him close and kissed him hard.

He was shocked at first but soon reacted and kissed her back, Pulling her closer by the waist.

She pulled back and looked up at him "please stay. Nothing has to happened, but just sleep in here with me."

She still had little Charlie to think about.

Tommy nodded and she gave him a slight smile,

"My protector" she whispered

Once she said that Tommy smiled and wrapped his arms tighter around her waist, picking her up and stepping into the room,

Kicking the door shut behind them.

Too Late To Say Goodbye | Tommy Shelby {1}Where stories live. Discover now