Chapter 1

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Y/n:MOM!Jungkook has my phone again!
Jungkook:try to get it
Y/n:give me it Jungkook, it's not funny

Jungkook is my annoying twin brother. He likes to take my stuff. Especially my phone. He takes some of my girly stuff and start to mess around with it. It annoys me so much. I just who's I could just punch him, but I won't get away with it because I'm the only sibling he has that lives here. My older brother lives in Seoul. He's a collage student, but me and him don't really talk much because when I was born he wasn't there much because he kept going to places with his friends.

Jungkook:fine here
Y/n:don't take my phone again or you'll see what's going to happen next
Jungkook:what? Are you going to punch me like you always say?

Jungkook likes to mock me all the time. He gets in my nerves. At home he acts like an angel when dad is around, but when it's just mom he's a devil. Because my dad is a CEO he leaves early to get everything ready. He works all day and everyday. Which kind of means we don't get to see our father much. When my mom was pregnant, my dad was always there helping her out. At birth m, he went, but then he left once me and Jungkook were born. Why? Because he had to take care of something at work. That's the side of my dad I don't like. Him being a CEO makes him be really busy.
My dad does have a good side. He takes care of his family. When me and Jungkook were a year old, he stayed out of work for our first birthday. He took us to so many places. At the end of the day we went home and had a little family night where we watched movies. Last time I remember doing that was when me and Jungkook were 13. We stayed up till 1:00 in the morning. We didn't even notice what time it was.
Anyways, my older brother once said that mom and dad didn't love us. He was so mean to us when we were younger. We started to cry and told our parents.
Anyways, that's not what this story is about. It's not about our childhood. It's about how me and my twin brother switched our lives just for fun.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2022 ⏰

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